banana peels

Discussion in 'General' started by joekiddd, Aug 7, 2007.

  1. alright its not weed related, but i wanna hear from people who have tried smoking banana peels. does it get you high? and how do you prepare them?
  2. i've heard it makes you trip total balls man, like acid only better. < /sarcasm >

    never tried it, i've heard about it, however i can't see it actually doing much for you. they're bananas, not crack.
  3. search smoking banana peels on google and the first on will tell you
  4. lol this is a joke, or you're really stupid
  5. territhemayor, i dont need that shit. if you dont like it dont reply
  6. It's a myth from the anarchist's cookbook it doesn't work. Have you ever heard of google? or the search button?
  7. yea but some said no some said yea just wanted some ppl from here to tell me what they think
  8. yeah but you have to chug a sprite too
  9. I've never tired nor heard of this but i would image if this were really true that way more people would know of this... But that would be sweet as hell if all you had to do is buy some bananas to get high haha if only
  10. this is retarded
  11. smoking pubic hairs will get you higher

    who remembers that thread?
  12. everyone knows if you want to get totally ripped then you should pack up a fat bowl of THC worms

    actually, you have to put the banana peels in the oven for 7 minutes on both sides, and then smoke it. you will get fucked up
  13. Yes, it works. But its not as simple as just smoking peels. Look through googe, you have to make paste out of it. For all you who say it doesnt work. FUCK YOU!. im sorry for that rant but people who say that fucking retarted shit when they have no idea, you need to just shut the fuck up. No you dont get really high when doing this, but yes you do catch a buzz. A more intense high you could do is eat orange peels and toothpaste. Tastes awfull, but if you eat enough you really trip :p
  14. lol you're a moron spit, it was made by an underground hippie publication, and existed before The anarchist cookbook. The only thing you felt was your gullibility.


    Did you know if you snort birth control pills it makes your dick have an acid trip? best feeling ever...

  15. I hope to god you are joking. If not you are very misinformed.

    1. Peels do not contain this supposed "Bananadine" and do not smoke the paste you can make. It is a placebo effect that gets you high, NOTHING else. We're not even sure if banana peels contain any very harmful chemicals so why would we smoke them?

    2. You don't have to be a spaz about this, the information you read about peels and toothpaste is flawed, VERY FLAWED. Not everything you read on the internet is truth.

    3. For the love of god, DO NOT eat orange peels and toothpaste, there was a thread made a while ago about it. It doesn't work, and is very dangerous to your health. Toothpaste contains Fluoride, if you eat enough toothpaste, you will get very ill, as Fluoride is poisonous to you. Once again its a placebo effect.
  16. You have to heat the banana peel first to activate the psychedelic components as the previous poster said.
  17. there are no psychedelic components.

    the effects you are feeling are the onset of potassium overdose.

    If we could absorb all the potassium thats actually contained in one banana (peel and fruit) we would overdose almost instantly.
  18. Haha, my sister got a potassium overdose in Equador, she says its not pleasant in the least. Thats what she gets for eating 8 bananas in a couple hours (she claims she was bored and got hungry)

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