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Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Emrich, Aug 14, 2012.

  1. So ive tried smoking a ton in one month, and Smoking only once in a month. For the next year i want to balance out how much i smoke and i dont want to build my tolerance up. So should i smoke a ton every friday, or smoke all the time, or smoke small amounts consistently? Give me your thoughts
  2. #2 Jacular5000, Aug 14, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 14, 2012
    The name of your thread is the answer ! You must balance my friend if you stop seeing the effectiveness of maryjane than take a break for a couple days but yes if your in school ideally you will have more fun smoking on Fridays and saturdays but at lunch is always fun too just don't get caught!
  3. As good as "ERRY DAY" sounds i would not recommend doing it. You should try to have at least 24 hours maybe even 30 in between each session, do that and your tolerence should be fine.
    Oh yea try to do small amounts if your tolerance is low, like 1/5-1/4 of a gram.
  4. Yeah smoking small amounts will do you good. Like smoke a gram in a day or two. You get pretty high. But youll be perfectly fine if you smoke all you want friday and saturday butg cool it down on sunday, then use the week days to cool off your tolerance. I mean i smoked a blunt a day for about a week during xmas vacation before i started getting tolerance

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