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baking potent edibles/refining cannabutter.

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by Dr. Nice, Jun 10, 2009.

  1. how many grams of bud to how many cups of butter/lard do you all suggest i use for each persons dose, in order to get someone with a high tolerance really toasted? also, how would one refine the budder in order to make the quantity of it less, but keep the potency, so one could make a firecracker edible/bomb. an edible or cookie around this size;

    ---------------- wide

    able to get a heavy smoker on their ass, is it possible GC? :D
  2. #2 countzer0, Jun 10, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 10, 2009
    You can concentrate cannabutter by using water with your butter and weed in the extraction process. Using water you can fit way more weed in the pot.

    As far as maximum potency.. I have found 2 ounces to be about the maximum to put in a stick of butter this way. There of course will be some that wont get absorbed as at some point the butter will reach its saturation point. But that is OK cause that means you got the most possible herb in your butter!

    To make sure you dont waste whats leftover, dont throw away the material. Put it back in the pot with fresh water and about half a stick and you will end up with 1 stick of maximum THC butter and a half a stick of weaker stuff, But at least it wont be wasted.

    Be carefull!!!!

    If you want to go all out and just put a crazy amount of herb in 1 stick, it can be done like this.

    Use weed, grain alcohol, and butter in a crock pot. (NO OPEN FLAMES) Put it on low and stir periodically until all alcohol is gone. The butter that is left will be saturated, and whatever doesnt dissolve in the butter will just sit in the butter once the alcohol evaporates off. So you would have totaly saturated butter, plus a bunch of hash mixed with the butter. using this method I have put a QP of crap herb in 1 and 1/2 sticks of butter.
  3. thank you! if i could plus rep you, i would a bunch. oh and is there a specific proof grain alcohol you recommend using? or can i pretty much use any proof
  4. #4 countzer0, Jun 10, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 10, 2009
    Higher proof the better. Water will leech unwanted taste and color from the material so the less water in the alcohol the better. I use everclear 151. I would recommend something tasteless like grain alcohol or vodka as you don't want to be adding rum or gin taste to your butter. (or maybe you do i just don't like the taste.)

    Be very careful when giving high dosage baked goods out, some people have very bad reactions!!
    When giving a strong edible to a friend that has never had one before, the first time i like to see them eat it and make them hang for an hour or two and then send them on there way if they are oK.

    Some people have no idea how strong a weed cookie can be and you dont want to end up in this situation...

    [ame=""]YouTube - Stoned Cop Calls 911 in Panic[/ame]

    [ame=""]YouTube - Dearborn Michigan cop thinks he's dead from smoking weed[/ame]
  5. hahaha those videos were great. thank you again for all the help in making super potent edibles
  6. I'm going to be trying this for the first time next weekend, and was wondering if anyone can give me any additional tips or pointers, sense I don't want to wind up wasting it. I read on another site, that an ounce was ok...but I want something that will knock someone with high tolerance on their ass, so if it's reggo's do I need two ounces? I read the thread above, and I was wondering what the complete step by step recipe is? How do I know when the Alcohol has evaporated off in the super concentrated method? Anyone with any feed back or advice can email me. Thank You.

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