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Baking out an Igloo!

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Pochotoker, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. Took advantage of the snowy new york weather today and built an igloo with some friends. we fit 4 guys inside with plenty of space, closed off the entrance and baked the thing out:smoke:

    Its still snowing so im looking for a repeat tmrw and i'll possible post pics:D. I recommend you guys with snow try it, you wont regret it
  2. Dude, I've been wanting to do this forever. I hope it's everything I'd imagine i'd be.
  3. We made a sweat lodge out of snow and a tarp last year and its awesome. we heated up a bunch of rocks in our fire pit and had a hawaiian hot box steam sesh in our snow fort haha. So stoked that others think its as awesome as we did
  4. yea it sure is great fun. results in lots of laughs and a high like no other
  5. i should try this.... i could......i think i will
  6. Do it! It's a great idea! I wish I had the balls to go out there and do it!
  7. Last year with the snow I got, I made a 1-2 man igloo. Me being myself I decided I'd test it out before I get all the pipes, bongs, and friends out there. I roll a few joints pack the mini bong and a blunt or two I don't remember. By the first blunt, minibong, and like two or three joints I was crying, coughing and baked. Too much smoke and nowhere for it to go. I ended up just breaking out of the igloo, because it was hot as hell and so smokey I couldn't see. I don't know if the cigars I was smoking contributed, but I surpassed hotbox, I reached hellboxed defcon 4 level In that igloo. My lungs still regret that day.
  8. My roommates and I did this last winter after we got 3 feet of snow.



    Good times man, haha. Enjoy your fort dude!
  9. Ahahaha looks exactly like what me and my friends made
  10. HAHA, nice dude!! Ours lasted about 3 days, and then a plow took it out. I miss my igloo now, :(

    Might make one tomorrow since we have over a foot out there now.
  11. i hear you. tmrw we're going to use a bong instead of a bowl inside of it. we are going to get so ripped :bongin:
  12. That is awesome. After tonights snow I may have to try it.
  13. I wish we had snow in SoCal...but we have other awesome things.
  14. Hahahahaaah!

  15. like the sun! :smoke:

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