Bagseed question

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by smoked3, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. Hey grasscity. I have a question about the bagseed that im growing. Im growing one plant from seed under a 250 watt hps in a 2x2 closet doing DWC in a 5 gal bucket. anyways, to the question. My friend bought an oz of some grand daddy purple, and out of the oz there was four seeds. The way I was thinking about it was it was probly grown indoors from some feminized seeds. Now the way im thinking thats right, but the reason why there is seeds is because the plant could have hermied late in the flowering proccess. If the plant hermied, would that make this seed a hermie? Is it possible that if it was a feminized plant that there could still be a few seeds if the plant was mature enough? :confused:Thanks!
  2. Or, the person who grew it could have accidentally let a male bust a pollen sac, and the girl got a bit preggers. Nothing too major, but enough to give you some seeds. Could be a fortunate turn of fate for you =]
  3. I dont know why I didnt think of that lol. I guess ill just have to wait to find out:smoke:.

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