Bagseed Guess

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by coppermike, Jan 23, 2010.

  1. sup city..

    anywayz its day 9 of flowering, it vegged for about a mounth and a half cause i dont have the room length wise. but its about 2 1/2 ft tall just found out its a she ^^ woot for me cause this is the only plant i have.. lol second grow, first one in the end came out to be 2ft tall non-toped non-fimmed old school beam, i belive this forum pronounced it indica dom, and it made me about a half and oz.

    heres a picture of her may she rest in peace lol


    This time around i felt like experimenting so i attempted a topping..witch turned out sucsessfull thanks to the almighty search button and now she is 2 1/2 feet tall with two beams this time and here is a picture of her now



    SO what kind of strain do you guys think she is?
  2. Bump.

    Looks mostly indica to me
  3. Impossible to tell visually. You can get some clues, mostly from the shape of the leaves, but keep in mind that most strains are some hybrid of sativa and indica, meaning it could result in several possible phenotypes, so one plant could "look" indica while it's brother or sister could "look" sativa.

    Your plant looks stretched though...
  4. Yeah it only vegged with 2 26watt cfls.

    And is flowering with 2 42w and 2 26w 2700k bulbs
  5. Looks nioce
  6. Do I have any other guesses?
  7. There is no way as he said to tell ya a strain...only we can tell you the dominant phenotype of that plant which appears to look close to a pretty even mix of indica and sativa...the leaves arent too definable either way and the thing is struggling with its health so bad that I cant tell if its strtching because of its sativaness or because you are trying to grow a full plant with a few cfls (i pitty the CFL grower). I would say it leans a little on the indica side since those leaves look a little broader then fingery...maybe like a 60/40 I/S...its odd how you have no side growth or bushyness...prolly the whole cfl thing...
  8. UPDATE! here she is just a few weeks after flowering



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