Bagseed Day 7

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Makizushi, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. #1 Makizushi, Jan 25, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2010
    Hello there GC I'll get to the point and lay out some information for yall to know what I'm working with here.

    104 watts of 2700k CFLs all the way through.
    Average temps are 78 low, 88 high.
    Light Schedule: 12/12 from seed
    Growing in soil
    No real nutes other than some plant food drops from Lowes.
    Odor control is set up with 2 carbon filters placed on the exhausts when flowering. Also I use a Renuzit adjustable air fresher which I swear by! They're hella cheap and reall good.

    Renuzit® Adjustables Cone - Tropical Waters™

    1. My two rubbermaid boxes stacked. Blanket covering the bottom one.
    2. My renuzit air freshener (replacing tonight since it's dead)
    3. Inside view with 7 day old seedling
    4. Inside view different angle

    Sorry I couldn't get a closer pic of the plant but my camera sucks and there's no LSD screen so I have to shoot and pray pretty much. I'll get some more pics later.

    Attached Files:

  2. That set-up is pretty good for one plant, with the exception of the lights. 2700k bulbs are for flowering. You want 6500k for veg until you switch to 12/12, then put the 2700k back in. Also, with CFLs, the more the merrier, add as many as you can get in there.
  3. Height is going to be an issue shortly.

    How high are your lights?

    How tall is the tub?

    Good luck.
  4. With the large pot, I have a height of 20 inches or so. Plus I intent on doing some LST work.

    The thought is to see how big the plant can get doing 12/12 from sprout.

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