
Discussion in 'General' started by nb420, Mar 19, 2009.

  1. im a fan of ziploc baggies getting my sacs in a nice bag with no smell...but for some reason when ever i buy a bag its always in some shitty plastic bag..whats so bad with the ziplocs?
  2. My dealer was saying that if you have a bunch of those around they can give you grief for dealing.

    So maybe that is why.
  3. Cheaper, weigh less, easier to roll up, etc
  4. dude my dealer puts the weed in empty cigarette packets, i would kill for some ziplock baggies.
  5. i prefer those little baggies that you can fit about 1.5 grams in, they are nice because they dont take up alot of space and they are easy to hide
  6. but theres just nothin like pullin a rolled up bag of mariganja out of your pocket
  7. My dealer gets the plastic from the pack and burns makes it shut.
    just as good as a ziplblock bag. :D

    I dont know where to fin them everywhere but go to a place that has smoke tins and shit, and there are stash tins for about 2.50 that fit a 25 bag (AUS)
    So not sure what it is exactly in america but it'd fit a 15 or 10 dollar back if memory serves me correctly.
  8. sandwich bags do the trick.Just don't seal them with your mouth,I use my fingers and get spit on them and seal up the bag.

    Drug dealers have sealed that bag with there mouth.

  9. one time, i sold my friend some weed in like a little 4 inch by 4 inch paper.
    lmao. :wave: :wave: :wave:

    originally i was like, open up ur hands. but he said to give it to him in something else. lmao.
  10. I've always noticed people that put their shit in cig cellophane wrappers usually are trying to short you because you can't really weigh it accurately unless you rip open the cellophane.

    I usually confront people when they short me, but I don't buy from people that burn the plastic my weed is in.

    just folding up a piece of notebook paper a couple times works too.
  11. it shouldnt be if your dealer is weighing it up in front of you man.
    In no way am i being aggressive. sorry if i sound it man.
  12. I get my stuff in 8th plastic bags, but as soon as I get 'em from my dealer it goes straight in my glass jar :cool:
  13. Well for one, zip lock bags are not air tight.

    Also, more people know how much sandwich baggies weigh and ziplocks are more expensive.

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