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bag seeds?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by brian1671, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. i cant seem to find any seeds in my bags that i get from my dealer, would it be offensive to him if i asked him to look for some next time he re ups?
  2. ...Would a dealer really want to give you bag seeds to grow when he can make money off you instead?
  3. Start buyin mids.
  4. thats a good thing that your not getting any seeds. a seed weighs like .1 or .2 at times. dont ask unless u want less weed

  5. i know but im tryna grow lol
  6. alot of dealers i know ask for the nug seed back but i keep em any way i have master kush uk cheese white widow and others

  7. You never know if you don't ask.
  8. Seeds do not way .1 or .2 seeds I've weighed them and they wouldn't even read on my scale I had to put like 5 on there for it to weigh .1
  9. You do realize that the less seeds there are the more potent it usually is, in the rule of thumb sense.

  10. i have done the same and have gotten different results
  11. Wouldn't hurt to ask but I'd rather have seedless female buds.

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