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Badgering my dealer?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Sproggs, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. This morning my dealer told me he could sell me some green. Good. I had to wait for my friend to get here to text him back though so I could have the money ready. So I text him about an hour later when my friend gets here, only to find out he has been called into work. I asked him what time he gets off and he said he wasn't sure.

    It's two hours-ish later now, and my friend isn't going to over all night, plus we're bored lol.

    How often would you say it's acceptable to text him to see when he's off? I don't want to badger him :eek:
  2. what time did he get called in to work exactly?
  3. About three hours ago or so...he didn't say when exactly he went in. I think he got called in too.
  4. Just chill, i know youre bored and weedless. trust me i know it sucks. But he's a dealer and he wants your money, he'll text you as soon as he can.
  5. bout every hour or so,if u know them well and chill with them every half hour-45 minutes.
  6. just text him saying to call/text u when he gets off. and when he thinks that will be. simple as that
  7. Called into work so minimum four hours but more like six or eight hours later would be preferred. Being a dealer is actually a lot of work for a thankless job. If he is still working too then he most likely does not get a lot of downtime. Just chill or call someone else. He can't help that he got called into work and will only get pissed if you harrass him too much.
  8. haha bro i meant what actual time on the clock

    lets say he gets called in at 12, its likely that he'll either work until close, or work until 8.

    if you dont know what time his job closes, call his work and anonymously ask what their hours are (a common question for any business)

    if you dont know where he works, then dont sweat it, but assume he'll work an 8 hour shift because he usually wont work more than that (on average)
  9. He actually texted me like 5 mins after my last post and let's just say I'm way bizzaked now :smoking::smoking::smoking:

    I only bought like 3/4 a gram lol :p $15 ftw!
  10. He's at work dude.. Let him work. And when he gets done with work he'll call you. I'm sure he's upset he couldn't make a sale. Be patient, dealers are regular people too.

  11. Damn i would be pissed if people texted me every hour asking "out of work yet?".

    Just tell him to call when he's out.

  12. Yeah, at most I do it every 4-5 hours...which is still kinda a lot :(
  13. yeah you need to remember that dealers are ultimately after your money so he shouldn't mind you calling you to arrange him earning some pretty easy cash
  14. In the future if this happens again, give him a text a few hours after he got called in and if he still says he dosnt know, tell him to give you a call when hes done, and garenteed he will be right at your assistance when hes through.

    EDIT: Whatever you do, dont text him every fuckin hour. Imagine if someone kept asking you for bud every hour while your at work and defiantly cant do it. Just put yourself in his shoes and this thread wouldnt have even been made in the first place.
  15. Very true. A drug dealer obviously wants to make money so i suggest you sit tight. he will try to make the deal go down.:bongin:
  16. Lol, did anyone read my post?

    Nowhere did I say I would text him every hour.

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