Okay well last night (technically very early this morning) me and 4 other people decided to go to taco bell for some food. We were all drunk and looking back it was the worst idea I've ever had in my life and I 110% regret it but what is done is done and I can't change the past. We got not even a block away from our dorm and I hit the gas too hard and lost control and ended up running straight into a tree, with the top down and I was the only person who was wearing their seat belt. I was going about 40mph when I hit that tree. And I was the driver to make things 10x worse... The doctors said I blacked out when we crashed because I have a huge knot on my face just to the right of my eye. When I came to I saw the crash and hopped out of the car to check on all of my friends. 3 of them were ejected from the car and laying down on the ground moaning and one was walking around calling 911. These people came out of nowhere to help us then the ambulance arrived and I just fell on the ground. 2 of my friends were air flited to the hospital and the rest were taken on an ambulance ride to the hospital. They had me sign this consent for blood and I had no choice I had to sign it, so I signed it which proves I was intoxicated at the time. Everybody is alright now and in stable conditions. I was hurt the least amount because I was the only one wearing their seat belt. I feel so horrible about this words can't explain. This is my first wreck and my record is spotless. What is going to happen to me?! Are the cops going to come to my house and arrest me? Please help I've never been in this situation and I know nobody that has. Any and all advice you can give me would be so much appreciated.
Oh man,......your conscience is gonna be hangin high. I feel bad for you bro but you do know that drunk driving is bad man. Never a good idea. First, everyone is ok and thats what is most important. Second, id make sure everyone knows how sorry you are, but keep in mind you didnt force them to get in the car with you. I'm really surprised that they didnt arrest you...are you sure that they knew you were drunk? I think most officers would have arrested you on the spot. I doubt they will come to your house man, its really odd they didnt give you any info though.. Above all man: learn this as a lesson and never let anyone especiually yourself drive drunk again.
i feel for you my friend,,,, but i also understand the lure that taco-bell has over us mere mortals,,,,, the first time i got popped for possesion,,, i was headed for taco bell,,,, damn that restaurant has a appeal to us stoners,,,,,, you'll be fine,,, maybe a d.u.i.,,,, it's a money thing your first offense,,,, you may loose your license for a yr. but your in college,,,, just hook with a chick that has her own ride,,,, dont bug man,,, a d.u.i. is a legal thing,, now if youd have had a joint on you,, the way these narcist cop's are,,, you'd be buried under the jail,,,, tru that,,, that blaze it up said,,, driving drunk aint a cool thing to do,,, learn your lesson and never do this again,,,,, the next tree you hit,,? may be a car and you end up killing a child,,,, not a wise decision what you did really,,,
My dad for some reason thinks the cops are going to come to my house today and arrest me... Fuuck, I don't want to go to jail. Could this happen even if it's my very first offense?? And yes I have definitely learned my lesson... There is no way in hell I'm going to do anything like this again...
Yes, it could happen. Sorry to play devil's advocate, but that blood you gave is being tested. If you were legally drunk, a warrant will be issued. I don't know Kansas law, but in Illinois, if you are under age, it's zero tolerence. .001 is legally drunk. There were injuries, that can make it aggravated DUI. Which is much worse. Get an attorney asap.
HOLY SHIT I JUST realized that I had a quarter sack in my pants pocket when I was in the wreck. I just stuck my hand in my pocket and to my surprise..... Hey is it safe to smoke while on this shit that I'm taking? I'm taking Hydrocodone/APAP 500MG (I can really feel this shit) And I'm taking Cyclobenzaprine 10mg for muscle relaxors.
yeah they hydrocodone is probably vicodin which wil go realllly nice with the weed. ps. your fuckin lucky.
DUDE YOU HAD A SACK IN YOUR POCKET AND DIDNT EVEN KNOW IT,? your in college,,, id suggest you lay off the partying and focus on your education,,,,, just by that post i can tell im getting old,,,,
You will find out, most likely when you go in front of the judge. Also it all depends on the others in the car, if the hospital add up somebody has to pay. If you just got pulled over and didn't have an accident it would be differant. Others were involved. I'm not sure but it's 50-50 on the cops but don,t count it out. Bail is 10% of the total so only time will tell on that one. Whats funny is that the cops usuallyimpound the car and take you to jail. If you were in the hospital they would have paid you a visit and put you under custody and take you when your better. But eather way good luck and I'm glade you and your friends are ok.
Hey, at least you didn't get another car involved. It would have been 1000x worse if someone outside your car got hit. If you hurt or killed them you would be ruined for life: insurance doesn't cover drunk driving.
I've seen where there has been an accident, and the driver isn't arrested for a month. Of course a fatality was involved. It hapeened a few months ago in Bloomington, Il. 2 cars collided, 1 ran a stoplight. The 1st guy they charged w/running the light. Then a week later they reallized that they charged the wrong guy with that. They had taken blood from both drivers at the hospital. @ weeks later they charged the 1st guy with dui. He was .04, but he was only 19. That made him legally drunk. A few days later, they charged the other driver (the one who really ran the light) with failure to yield,3 counts of aggravated DUI (he only blew a .02,he was 19 too) and DUI of marijuana. He was charged with 3 counts because he had 3 passengers. 1 died, 1 may be paralyzed, and the other was treated and released. The driver did get a broken leg. But that's the least of his worries. I drove drunk 1 time in my life. More than 20 years ago. I wrecked my "78 Z28. I was the only 1 in the car. My car and my feelings got hurt. A week later 2 of my friends were drunk and they drove under the front of an Army tandem truck at over 100 MPH in a '67 Chevelle. Don't Drink and Drive!
Damn dude, as ironic as this sounds you're lucky as fuck. If one of your friends would've been seriously hurt or killed you'd be so fucked right now, my uncle died when he was only 17 due to a drunk driving accident, he was in the passenger seat and the driver was drunk and he was ejected and hit a tree, died instantly. I'm pretty damn sure the guy that was driving got a lot of jail time; i'm not gonna lecture you about driving drunk because i've driven on the freeway on a lot more than just alcohol(Not a good idea). Be safe man, good luck.
normally if im drinking something hard, i dont drive.. but i have no problems shooting pool, drinking about 3 bottles of red stripe and driving... however one of my best friends was killed by a drunk driver, so i really learned young not to get sloshed and drive...when i go to my friends place we get drunk and drive the golf cart around his suburban neighborhood, would that be a DUI?
As a person with 2 D.U.I's I felt compelled to reply. First of all, you hit the gas too hard and lost control? That just doesn't sound right to me, you must have been really shitty and just not known what you were doing. I've driven drunk hundreds of times and never lost control because of gunning the gas, just doesn't add up. Anyway, I'm not here to question you. My guess is that you will be arrested once they get the blood sample back, but they're not going to put you in jail. Of course, I don't know what Kansas's laws are, but even on my second offense I was never even put in a holding cell (shit, they didn't even handcuff me). They'll get your fingerprints, mugshot, have you sign some shit, them most likely release you into your parents or a friends custody. Are you over 21? Because if not you could be in a shitload more trouble. You'll probably get your license suspended or revoked, like I said I don't know Kansas law, pay a hefty fine and have to attend some type of classes about alcoholism and drunk driving. Just learn fromt his and never drive drunk again, I was retarted and didn't learn shit from my first one, then again I've never hurt anyone. Also because it could be aggrevated DWI, you miiight get jail time but most likely it'll be community service and probation. Get ready to not be able to smoke weed for a looong time...
Haha, as crazy as it soudns I believe it would be. Shit, if your riding a horse drunk it's a DWI I think...
damn, hes had that golfcart since high school, we used to get full on baked, and race around the little kids on their bikes and scooters...were on the side walk, and worst thing hes ever hit was me...and it just left a bruise... oh well, we will just get drunk and do donuts in his driveway now...
For the person who said that just gunning the gas and loosnig control doesn't add up to you... The speed limit is posted at 30mph, but it is a very narrow road and sharp turns that are hard to take going 30. I wasn't thinking and I was only going 40 and my tires started to slip, even with traction control on, w/e I then ran into the fucking tree... Everybody is going to be okay as far as I know and nobody will sustain any permanent damage. But I am still worried about the cops