My Mum and sister both have a big problem with my growing my own weed in my room, they were fine with it at first but as soon as they saw the grow light we started arguing over it I don't see the problem with the light but they seem to have something against it…. A grow light for god sakes! I think my mom startered crying just now over it and my sister she keep refering to weed as that crap and I don't like it. Can the plant grow with smaller amounts of light say 2 hours a day because that's how long my moms letting me keep it for and she's not happy about it. What I'm gonna do it put it outside a lot so it can get light and us the indoor light as much as I can But when it comes to indoors what's the minimum amount of light I could get away with 2-10 hours?
You'll have three problems 1. Your plants would start flowering shortly after starting. They will be very small (but this might not be a problem if you want small plants) 2. Light stress: Not enough light and they will likely turn hermie 3. Your yield will be so incredibly small that it nvoids the point of even growing your own. PS, You've already broke the first rule of growing: Tell no one.
Well I'm keeping them out in the sun for the day and puting the growlight on at night so that should work thats about 12-18 hours Of sun light. As for the indoor light sun an my mum says 2 hours is how long she'll allow but I'll try and make it more. So should that be enough for I'll how long a can strech that. Is that enough for decent plant? What does hermie mean?
Read the post in General About What it's like to have schizophrenia by me and then say I should move out. but to the point what does hermie mean?
My bro has schizophrenia also srry to hear about that I look after him fulltime so i know first hand what its like. I had to dump my first grow cuz my bro found my grow setup they was just about rdy to flower just like yours was the smell started wofting down the stairs lol Its hard at first ppl tend to worry about police comming out of thin air fact is 1 light and fan isnt enuff to tip the cops took me like 1 yr l8ter and abit of a devious plan to get my setup going again I plunged myself into debts then suggested I should grow some top dope to get money lolz worked a charm it sells for alot where i am. I knew my mom was greedy for cash also so i knew she would like the idea as for my bro he came round quickly after he heard how much cash he cud get in a short time lol and that my mom had agred to let me do it now its like normal for me to talk about it and hear the sound of my extractor going. now my bro and mom r kool about everything and they even help/buy me grow shit w/e and come and look at them now and again! its hard to accecpt at first from some ppl I am lucky tho most ppl are hell bend on "Drugs r bad m'kay" motto just tell them u dont feel safe going and buying it on the blackmarket! might work lol GL hope you work away round your parents and sis,
How are you going to argue with something your mom does not want in the house. You realize if the cops came they could arrest your mom and they could take the house and anything related to the grow. you must grow in your own house with nobody knowing about it unless your living with someone then you must tell them (they are intitled to know what is going on in the house if they pay rent). Just wait a couple more years kid and you might get your own house and could have awhole room to work with who knows. Respect your parents and what they say.
MY Mums come around it my dad (who isn't my dad and who's been around less than a quater of my life) Who's gonna be a problem, he says move out my mother and sister are fine now
LOL I've explaineed how much money I'd be saving arouynd $800a month that didn't help but my mum andn sister are ok now. It's my dad who doesn't even live here that want me to move