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Bad to Smoke While Having The Flu?

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by TokerUp, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. I've been smoking while having the flu and I was told it's bad. Is this true? It's been helping keep my nausea away and I'm able to actually eat.
  2. #2 Fumar Verde, Jan 29, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2011
    Well, it can be a mixed bag. While the effects will make the flu more tolerable, pain wise, the actual smoking can be intolerable. Vape and edibles my friend. These are your friends when you are ill. Make some potent cannabutter and drop like a tbsp or 2 into some soup [preferably a broth for sickness, but taste-wise, a cream or cheese based soup]. Get medicated.

    I would advise getting a broth that isnt too salty tho, because with that cannabutter in there, your gonna wanna drink it all.

    You can also do this with cannaoil.
  3. i just went through having the flu this past week and i smoked throughout, nowhere near as much as I normally do though (40 sack lasted me the week)

    what i noticed

    smoking the first few days sucked, didn't really help

    by wednesday though i was using it to help sleep and eat and stop me from throwing up all the time

    if you have a vape or can make edibles do that
  4. I did it and i was fine, i even got over it in less time than most other people I know who had it that dont smoke. Im not saying it will be the same for you but it helped me, i almost puked when i didnt have trees, i burned and i could eat again.

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