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Bad Shroom Trip Need Advice

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by WhatToDo, Sep 2, 2008.

  1. :confused:Alright i took around 3.5 grams at a friends house while his parents were outta town. it started off with me getting really full cause it was a alot of potent shrooms. later on i started to see ants on the ground and i got really sweaty. there was about 8 people and i was the only one on shrooms everyone else was drinking. i started to not feel good and just sat back in my chair not saying a word for an hour thinking i was going to die. everyone started harrassing me after awhile cause usually i talk alot and i was being the quietest person there. they all started staring at me and i couldnt take it so i got up and went upstairs. some of them followed me and i just wanted to get away and pass out even tho i couldnt cause i was on fucking shrooms. i laid down and i started seeing fungus growing on the walls and rats were trying to kill him. i dosed off somehow even tho people kept coming in seeing wtf i was doing. i started thinkin i was falling thro the air and about to land on spikes so i started running around the up stairs harassing everyone. at this point everything was hazey in my memory and i dont remember shit except for people wrestling me to the ground saying i was trying to throw my friends computer at the wall. this went on for several hours me runnning form them and they tackling me telling me to calm down ( i do not remember this they told me this is wat happen) i then remember laying in my friends bed trying to tear my stomach open because the shrooms felt like they were litereally melkting my intestines. I got up started yelling 1 !!! 2 3!!!! 1 2 3!!! over and over and then started rapping. ( Once again i do not remember doing this) i pissed myself and finally went to bed after being locked in a room. everyone slept in a different room then me and i woke up in the morning and all the doors were locked cause they all thought i was going to kill them. I am really embarassed and my friends are ignoring me. these are my really tight friends so i figured they would try and help me thro this but instead they are mad and are saying i dont respect them because of what i did... i think they are wrong and that the shrooms did everything cause i never act like that usually im really chill person. What should i say to them i already apologised.
    It was the worst night of my life and they dont understand. they think i am lying about not remembering what happened and that i did it on purpose. What Should i say? Thanks
  2. Sometimes I find it really hard to be around drinkers when I'm on introspective substance. If I were you, I'd give yourself and your friends some time cool down. Then just try to remember this next time you're thinking of doing shrooms alone and without any freedom to be out in nature. :)
  3. Yeah shrooms aren't really a party drug. But yeah, fuck your friends if they're gonna be like that, they aint worth your time if they don't look after you when you're havin a bad trip imo.
  4. You have nothing to be embarrassed about.

    Have your friends ever taken hallucinogens? Talk to them and be straightforward.
    Explain that you were tripping. Don't sugar coat it, or demonize it, just explain that your friendships with all of them are important to you, and that no malice was intended to those you hold so dear.

    If they can't accept you for that, I would suggest you need better friends who will support you come hell or high-water. I know the thought of losing your friend-base is frightening, but restricting your experience here on earth out of fear of their thoughts can be just as bad, if not worse.

    Some advice about tripping.
    I remember my first time on mushrooms, and if fucking weirded me out: I was only on 2g. It was so bizzare, I was really afraid to just let go and let the drug do what it wanted.
    After another trip or two, It clicked. I knew that I was on a drug which I had taken voluntarily, and there was nothing I could do about it. But it wasn't fear this time, it was relief.
    I would suggest just letting the rapids take you where you want, because you really have no control over the situation.
    My reasoning:
    A) If you spend all your time thinking "When the fuck is this going to end?!" "This is horrible", you miss time and energy that could be spent trying to understand what you're seeing. You can learn a lot, about a variety of different things.
    B) When you start trying to fight it, your mind will get angry, anxious, or upset at its inability to shake the drug, subsequently causing a bad trip.
    C) What you see, hear, and feel on these drugs can not hurt you.

    I hope you haven't been shaken from experience. Best of luck in the future.
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  5. #5 Mattplusness, Sep 2, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 2, 2008
    hah bad trips are so shitty bro they seem so real. i had a fucking horrible trip once, i was at a friends house then we went to his friends house (so i was in an unfamiliar environment), we were smoking and i was peaking and my friend put me into a bad trip by playing scary music on an electric piano thing, then i started feeling like every sound was trying to kill me, i was curled up in my jacket crying for about 45 minutes. (i was 18 at the time too rofl)

    i read the last part of the story and i think you shouldn't do them any more first off, and second, tell them that and you are sorry and it was a drug and a bad choice on your part and your sorry for treating your friends like that and that you are a dumbass.

    it seems like overkill but really just degrade yourself and apologize. your friends should understand you are sorry, and if they don't then they aren't a friend you want to have.
  6. It seems to me your friends have never tripped...i think the first place you went wrong was tripping by yourself amongst people who were drunk...i usually don't like to be around people that aren't tripping because they can be very misunderstanding and and huge energy vamp

    with that said, your friends are the ones who are in the wrong - they knew you were tripping and nothing is worse then to harass a person during a trip - especially if the harassment is done by non-trippers, and drunks at that...tell your friends that your mind is extremely fragile during a trip and they're misunderstanding of this caused you to have a traumatic experience....if they don't understand this then they are not your friends

    plenty of my friends have done more stupid things blacked out drunk than what you described - but when morning comes, true friends forgive
  7. Word. :)
  8. QFT and best advice, +rep =)

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