Bad shit

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by TokingToker, Oct 26, 2007.

  1. Happend to my friend, I'm not using real names or anything but.

    J lived in C's house, J sold weed with C, J decided to go out early in the morning and steal shit from cars, he did, and the cops got him. So last period yesterday at shool C gets called down to the office. The cops Search Cs house and charge J and C 24 charges. These charges involved, robbery, paraphernalia, illegal narcotics and such. C is still a minor (17) and J is an adult (19) J's going to jail and C I don't know whats going to happen to him.

    Now I can't go over Cs house and chill with him in fear of the cops checking the place out.
  2. People get arrested for doing stupid shit.
  3. Yeah I know, that guy J beat me before, it wasn't over a big amount so I just shook it off, he gets arrested, now hes getting arrested again, but C is my buddy, I should of warned him about this guy.

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