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Bad service

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Angelo1122, Feb 5, 2011.

  1. I recently went to get my card and the doctor was a total asshole. He was very rude and even when as far as saying "I don't believe you" when I was explaining my problem to him. He still did sign my papers but i did not appreciate how rude he was. It wasnt like a doctors visit it felt like more of an interrogation. I was wondering if anyone else has this problem or was I just unlucky.
  2. Its sad how you can go in and say your back hurts and get drugged up on pills, but they go CSI deep on marijuana. :(

    Never been in that situation, but we don't have medical here yet. That sucks man, but at least you got yours. :)
  3. Sorry to hear about that. Most doctors that will recommend you to get a card are more sympathetic and willing to give you a card and won't hassle you, I think you just got unlucky with that one. But hey, at least you got it!:smoke:
  4. daaamnn that sucks. I always wondered about that.

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