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Bad experiences with weed

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by stoned42, Aug 17, 2012.

  1. This is a post for everyone to write the bad trips they had with weed
    I havent had a bad/scary/paranoid trip ever so Ill put something different, I got stoned it was all good, went to a bench to lie down, saw my stoner friend, he knew I was stoned lol, went home, went to restaurant with parents for my mums birthday with my sister, my dad slightly moves his chair away from me (I toked 1:30 hours earlier), I wore sunglasses :cool:, I have the munchies so I finish my food, we get home, we eat some cake :D, I go to bed after eating ice cream at 4am and wake up at 7am, I feel sick so I start puking in the toilet and it burns my throat :(

    Unmentionables are welcome ;) but describe your trip
  2. How old are you?
  3. Most likely underage lol ^
  4. Makes thread about bad experiences.

    Writes incoherent blob of text unrelated to thread.
  5. The first 3 times I smoked weed, my body didnt exactly like it.
    I would curl up into ball and lie there while throwing up for about 3 or 4 hours.
    Goooood Times.
  6. Sorry I've never tripped on weed.
  7. [quote name='"Megacosm"']Makes thread about bad experiences.

    Writes incoherent blob of text unrelated to thread.[/quote]

    Haha they should make a meme for this
  8. There's actually a word for it.

  9. #10 CaliBudE, Aug 19, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 19, 2012
    [quote name='"wuidd420"']Sorry I've never tripped on weed.[/quote]


    [quote name='"Crispy21"']Most likely underage lol ^[/quote]

    [quote name='"potheadism"']How old are you?[/quote]

    What was the other thread you had the other night ?

    Oh yea you use the expression takes the piss

    Or you don't feel a buzz when smoking haha ......

    N you made a thread why everyone hates u ....
  10. This one time I hit my dealer up and he said he has that diggity dank no smell granddaddy purp. But instead I got tiny cabbages
  11. I guess ill give it a go first time puff of sour d in friends new bong made me trip for 20 minutes and throw up abuncha microwable pizzaa:D
  12. [quote name='"BubblemountainX"']I guess ill give it a go first time puff of sour d in friends new bong made me trip for 20 minutes and throw up abuncha microwable pizzaa:D[/quote]

    You didnt trip but microwavable pizzas are gross to me i never enjoyed one, but bagel bites pizza are good

  13. That's because munchies are like fake hunger, you think you can eat but you really can't, when the munchies go away, you realize how bloated you are & how much you ate

  14. ? No i did trip. Maybe we just have two different understandings of the word with one we use more often. So yea i tripped out;)
  15. Give the kid a little break......
  16. I threw up once because it made me so dizzy.
  17. not to be a dick but it's really irritating to read people misusing the word "tripping" to describe common panic attacks. tripping and experiencing anxiety are entirely different
  18. [quote name='"BubblemountainX"']I guess ill give it a go first time puff of sour d in friends new bong made me trip for 20 minutes and throw up abuncha microwable pizzaa:D[/quote]

    First time puff of sour d out da blunt and i almost throw up. High af but i held it in.

    Way back when i smoked at my moms crib i was in the basemet blazin and my mom was gone right? So mid hit i hear the fuckin garage open and my mom is like 9/10 when it comes to being against weed. I somehow managed to sneak upstairs when my mom went back in the garage for somethin and she never found out lol. I was so scared at te time, now i jusy laugh lol
  19. i get the spins when i'm dehydrated and drinking while high, which genuinely sucks.

    i think in the first few years of smoking, if i smoked too strong a sativa i'd get a little weirded out.

    seeing as i'm fairly introverted, if i feel overwhelmed in a situation and have been smoking strong sativas then i really hate being around people. not all the time!

    know what your bad time triggers are and do your best to avoid them. set stuff up beforehand so that you don't feel anxious or overwhelmed.

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