Bad Day Rant

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by JORDANEast, Jan 21, 2010.

  1. Yesterday my bubbler broke, I am out of weed and my dealer is out of town, and today I found out I have to retake a class at college. Anyone else have a shitty day? Any ideas how to cheer up without my usual self-medication?
  2. Sorry about the rough day. Something that may cheer you up..... you're not in Haiti right now. Try playing computer games or calling some friends! Life could be worse!
  3. Good point. I'll just go smoke some of my friend's weed. he owes me and he's funny so what the hell.
  4. And Hey, Fuck it.. theres always cough syrup.... :cool:
  5. dudemanbro... if you didnt get maimed by tigers i dont wana hear it... jk but that sucks dude its always the worst when you break stuff and are dry... go smoke with your good buddy Funnyman and that should help you pass some time

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