Bad case of wtfisthatsong

Discussion in 'Music genres, Bands and Artists' started by AhTee, Oct 3, 2010.

  1. Anyone care to help?:confused:

    They both are dubstep I believe....

    anyones, from what i remember one goes like...

    " I wanna party party party right now now now"
    -pretty sure it was a chick...

    second is...
    "Smokin shorties on the dance floor"

    and it sounded like the singer from ghostland observ kind of.

    goodluck, btw on screen keyboard ftl
  2. help me
  3. this is killing me

    bump till justice
  4. I remember when I forgot a song a while back. Shit was way too agonizing, and making a thread made it worse, because I kept checking back to see if anyone knew it, but most of the responses were something like this one I am typing, good luck finding your song. Perhaps see if those lyrics were sampled from another song, then find what sample was used in that dubstep song. Well, assuming that the used samples, it could very well be unique to those tracks.
  5. Where did you hear it from, almost every radio station has a "recently played" feature on their site.
  6. house party w/dj

    Talked to him! Gooottttttt ittttt!

    listen and love, reverse order :smoke::smoke::smoke::D:D:D

    [ame=]YouTube - Bassnectar - Magical World feat. Nelly Furtado (Official)[/ame]

    [ame=]YouTube - Ali Love - Smoke and Mirrors (FuntCase Remix)[/ame]
    (my buddy must of mixed it because his beat was different, the "smok n mirrors on the dancefloor" gets down =p)

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