I mean only if you have not committed a felony...i suppose your just fucked so no need to answer if you are a felon .....well...second thought scratch that...if you are a felon too answer this shit...do background checks make you nervous? reason i am asking...interviewed for a job...they only wanted all criminal acts committed in the last 3 yrs....i have nothing within that block of time.... however if we step back 7 years i have a misdemeanor marijuana charge...was not thrown out but I did pay the fines and had a restricted license for 6 months....i think i was found guilty but lawyered up so i dont know if i was found guilty or not...i just know the 250 fine and restricted license and the lawyer bill... so even tho that happened 7 years ago...why is it that background checks make me nervous....anyone else have a weed charge prior to 7 years and had to report for a potential job?
7 years is a long ass time man, i don't think they are that thorough. even if they are, i think if you're given the chance you could explain you were young and foolish then and wouldn't dare waste your time with that devil lettuce now
lol dude they would look at me after stating that and laugh out of their chair...i have dreads that go down to my ass and have refused to cut them for any job lol....funny thing about it this job if i get it pays about 33 bucks an hour...i passed all testing, interviewed and they called me back to get permission to do the background...but its still nerve wracking....
haha then you should do it for the shock value cross your fingers man, like i said, 7 years is a long ass time and it was a misdemeanor. usually background checks focus on felonies. at least in every experience i've had with them (quite a few actually)
shit last time i had a background check was almost 6 years ago lol....i just know they seemed to have gotten a lot crazier about it then from when i remember....i did think about it though if confronted with the question...i couldnt keep a poker face
background checks freak me out a bit yeah, i havent had anything but a dui that was thrown out of court but i was arrested and all that mess. i had a background check come back as denied when i was trying to buy a new firearm not long ago, and had to go through a bunch of shit with some people. i guess theres another guy with my name and birthdate out doing bad things
Kinda freaks me out because I have a misdemeanor assault charge from like 6 years ago that I'm not sure was expunged from my record or not. I got a decent paying job now though so I'm not too worried because by the time I find another job it will be over 7 years ago and most people don't check back that far.