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back to the grind... whats your deal?

Discussion in 'General' started by Retroshark, Aug 26, 2007.

  1. so i moved back to college on tuesday of this past week. since i got here, i decorated my room and moved my shit in, partied at my friends frat a couple of times and have just been enjoying the weather.

    so come tomorrow at idk what time yet cause i havent checked my schedule, i will be attending one of the following classes:

    video art
    the music of jimi hendrix

    i still have to add another class onto my schedule but itll be something boring and irrelevant to my focus of study more than likely.

    here are a couple of quick pictures of where i live, i think its a pretty strait ass room. i got everything i need in here and last night at like 3am i just put on some jack johnson on random, chilled on my bed and smoked a bowl, got fucking high as a kite and went for a walk outside and smoked about 5 cigarettes.

    man i love college, its so good to be back, im fucking pumped for my classes tomorrow, i cant wait to get started on my work for this year and i cant wait to see which hot girls are in my classes :D

    for anyone thats in college, you know how many opportunities there are to meet females on campus, but personally, the girls i meet in my classes always are much cooler than the random chicks ill meet at a party or in front of my building just chillin. im really hoping to find a girl this year, im not big into the whole spreading of the seed mentality, and would rather settle down with a nice girl who isnt just a walking vagine. but yea, here are some photos of my tight ass room, and some of the stuff in it.







    sorry for the annoying watermarks, the software i use to resize my photos isnt registered since i reformatted my computer.
  2. nice chill looking room man

    I actually like ceramics, never took a class. but in highschool I made a real cool pinch pot that i still use to break up nugs in

    Ill be in a dorm or apt when i transfer to a 4-yr school. My last semister at a community college is next semister.

    This semister im taking finacial accounting, college algebra, business computer systems, and a biology lab and lecture.

    Next semister ill probably have to take an art minimester, during the semister im taking managerial accounting, business statistics, Business Calculus, and a legal environment of business class.--it will probably not be a fun semister--but then i will have an associates degree in business administation and on my way to another college to finish a 4 yr degree
  3. Dude true that not the spreadt he seed type either and i am damn well looking forward to meeting some new hotties when school starts [next month :( ], but sick pad man, have great year.

    Oh and since yall putting your schedule is forced garbage like calc and writing, but i do get to take anthropology: intro to Caribbean peoples, should be hella tight.
  4. oh and if you couldnt tell by the photos, thats a double bed ;) the ladies, they like it
  5. lol. nice lookin pad man, definate stoner room for sure, gotta love those guitars too man :) although im a single coil, fender man muhself, gotta love it.

    still finishing up at the community college here in town myself, have about a semester or two left. im really in no hurry, i love taking it all slow :) i took a wrong class or two so that's kinda injured me, but thats cool, could be a lot worse.
  6. *drools over your comptuer monitor*

    dude ur room is sickkkk if you wake up and find your accord and computer monitor missing

    it wasnt I ;)
  7. he he he. lucky i have an alarm with a remote paging system and 6000 feet of gratuitous through concrete range. i can tell the second someone so much as pulls a door handle :D

    but yea, thanks for the comments, i really just wanted to show off my pad, im lovin gmy new setup and so are the ladies. i had 3 groups of like 4 girls at a time comme in my room and be liike daaaaamn your room is tight! several of whom said theyd stop on by sometime to chill. sounds good to me :D

    but yea, i just bought a nice lemon and spice candle it smells dank as hell!

    and joker, the guiutar used to be a single coil SSS setup, but i bought a used set of ibanex pickups someone had removed from a custom RG. i installed those and the guitar screams! sounds just like an ibanez but plays like a fender.
  8. oh man i just smoked a bowl and made some lasagne in the m-wave and fucking munched out! id been shopping at art supply and office stores all morning and had only eaten an apple. ive been smoking way way less than i thought i would, in fact, im less interested in smoking during the day and often forget about it til night. im not complaining, as much as i love burning down, not only do i have no more than .25g left, but i also cant get any money out my atm because i forgot my damn pin number, and the only way to get it is to wait for it in the mail. SHIT. so tomorrow hopefully ill be able to cash a check i write to myself then buy some of this strawberry hashplant that my dealer has, cant wait for that, ive smoked mids the last 2 weeks, and thats pretty much like taking a tolerance break for me after what id been smoking and in what ammount. now i smoke maybe 3 bowls a day average, except for big sessions, and im getting so much more ripped and staying higher longer. i cant wait to smoke dank!!!

    yea, so im gonna go have a cigarette and check out da honeys outside my building. there are mad freshman running around campus like looneys tryin to figure out if they are in front of the psyc building or the music hall, and there are a bazillion hot women just chillin outside and doin theyre thang. when i went to michaels art store today, the girl at the checkout was about my age, maybe a year or two younger and she was so fine. i love artsy girls, and the first thing she does when i get there is look me up and down discreetly, then she turns and says "i like your necklace alot" (i have a hemp necklace with a mushroom bead, the cap has a crazy ass purple and black design, and the stem is glass and has a tiny blue mushroom suspended inside the stem, its so dank. so yea, now i know she works there, and i hit this place up at least 3 times a week during classes so next time im there im for sure gonna smoke a bowl in the car and dutch myself up enough to ask for her number. if shes on campus... game on :smoke:

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