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Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Toad420toker, Dec 6, 2009.

  1. Hey fellow stoners!

    My whole last year was a long one. I started smoking when i was 15, and by 17 i was into any drug possible. I made a bunch of stupid mistakes and got myself sent to forced rehab, I spent a year there. I just got out a month ago.
    Smoking is my hobby, and i love it. I still smoke, and im hoping to open up my own despensery when they legalize it. I used to live in Miami, but now i live in brooklyn. They might legalize it soon in Nj and if they do Im in luck. With the whole drugs thing, im done I still smoke all day, but the other shit, ive done so many times so wats the point, atleast i got weed:smoking:.
    I used to be part of the waytoomuch forum when i was like 16 so now 3 years later on a new start y not join another!:hello:

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