I have been away from the community for quite a while. But I am back and have started building a new discrete indoor growbox. Found a cheap dresser on Craigslist and started gutting it right away! Has taken some time to get it together. (still not finished) The hardest part has been making the door. Which I am on the fence building a new one that is a bit lighter than the original. i painted all bare wood even in between the walls. Using marine grade paint I won’t have to worry about wood rot or any moisture related issues. Currently debating on what seeds to get Let me know what you think!
Picking up a female clone next week. Night terror og. Just a little something to test out the box. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
Me too! Just wish I could finish painting and doing some final touches to it before I throw a plant in it but I’m a bit impatient
Painted! 1-2 more coats of paint on the outside and some coats of orange for the inside and this baby will be basically doneeee Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
Best thing I’ve found so far. There’s even a temp monitor that you can check anywhere from your phone that I’m planning on adding to this as well. Currant Bluetooth Smart Outlet with Energy Monitoring Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
Thank youuuu! I’m so excited. Took a couple days to pop out but so far so good. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum