I've been growing these plants for about 1 week, maybe a week and a half. for the past few days they have been growing slower than usual. and with one of them the tips have started to curl slightly. I'll post pics, and their are a few slight yellowish spots. I use 2 2150 lummen bulbs, water usually once every day at the end of the day, 20hrs of light, 4 of dark. id like to make my babies growth explode in a fast amount of time. any advice on my slow growth, yellowish spots, and tips curling?
EditShould read water once at the end of every week. All seriousness Once every day is a bit excessive my friend. Let them roots get some oxygen. Will help you tremendously here. Sent from my HTCEVOV4G using Grasscity Forum mobile app
You should be fine. I would back off the water a bit at such a young stage. You can "water" her when she becomes a plant. Enjoy the growSent from my HTCEVOV4G using Grasscity Forum mobile app