Baby plants and removing light for 14 hours..

Discussion in 'Lighting' started by Kaetzchen, Aug 2, 2012.

  1. #1 Kaetzchen, Aug 2, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 2, 2012
    I'm growing for the first time. I picked up two baby plants, about 4 inches tall. I purchased one HPS (high powered peice of shit) Got home only to discover that it uses too much power, 1000w, wasn't thinking about that when I got it. And it puts my whole room at about 95f, which, a plant should be put in around 70f.
    Plus, the damn thing is in my bed room, so the place looks like a space ship is taking off in there. Very uncomfortable. I want to know if I can turn off the lights untill about 15 hours from now till I exchange this crap for a more modern LED grow. I was looking around and an LED light, good enough for 4 plants is the same price I paid for the HPS, 450$ - 500$ Ehh.... I think the guy was trying to get rid of this dumb light..

    Also.. Has LED grow lights advanced a lot since 2008?

    This is what I'm looking at getting..
    It sounds like it would be as good as this artificial sun I have in my room..
  2. Proper planning from the outset would have saved this....see my library on my blog... use 2-3 cfl's until you get this sorted, along with a small fan.


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