Last night I was thinking of my girlfriends father hassling her for not voting Republican, and I reached this conclusion. He and many older people have no hope, they keep doing the same things and they act like they do things right. As i look at the situation in America its not hard to notice how much his generation actually failed us. You know you are old when the fire of hope and ambition to change has become extinguished, and you have become complacent and jaded. I then searched "why the baby boomers failed us" and i found a pretty good article id like to share. Enjoy!
Didn't read the article - don't want to bother having to go through that whole registration process just to read it, lol. But I'm a little confused as to why it is you think most people of the baby boomer era are voting Republican? Just because someone's old doesn't mean that they're right-wingers - the argument that an entire generation of people can be for one, sole political ideology is a joke.
No i dont believe all old people repub, my point is by the time the get old they have become jaded and complacent to the point where they dont believe change will occur and they habe accepted it and quite the fight (aside from bogus presidential elections). Yea i had that problem with the article, its like it allows you to read the article once but when i went back to it, it said same thing it says for you. Try searching it, its well worth the read for sure. Try emptying your cookies and google "baby boomers blighted" it should come up. But they are for one political party, the democrat-republican false dichotomy. Most cannot see past this and a third party or alternative system is not even in their realm of imagination anymore.
But that's just not true though... Generalizing and saying that all baby boomers are stuck in their own ways, or will be as they continue to age is false. Sure, there'll be some that do just that, I don't deny it, but it'd be silly to think that there aren't others out there that have differing views and opinions. There are countless notable people who have become well-known for their progressive political views - all of whom were born well within the baby boomer generation. I couldn't get to the article. After I click out of the ad it's gone. This is video sums up my thoughts on baby boomers though
As a generation, as a whole they failed, this doesnt mean all parts of the whole are failures. There are greats in all generations no doubt.
The idea is pretty funny actually. Every generation seems to have their "my generation" moment, mine actually had a song of the name and said don't trust anyone over 30. Now most of them are over 60. Serves them right What we seem to miss is that fact that in every generation when we're young we notice the artists, musicians, the rabble rousers and protesters, that type of thing. When they are older we tend to notice the ones who were in college or otherwise occupied while the earlier group had our notice. The same generation that brought us Jimmy Hendrix, Jimmy Page and Woodstock with everything that represents also brought us Clinton and Bush with everything that represents. You've got your own Clinton and Bush, or whoever else ails you, you just haven't noticed them yet. At this point, neither had we.
I think that many of the people that vote Republican are voting as much (or more) against Democrats than for the Republican candidates. As an Independent, I've been forced to vote this way lots of times. This is kind of "lesser of two evils" voting is becoming especially prevalent as the Democratic Party has willingly abandoned reality and "gone down the rabbit hole" in its pathological reliance upon deception and blatant lying bullshit. Not that the Republican Party isn't also stricken by deceptive bullshit. They just don't have the luxury of an adoring media (Fox and Talk Radio not withstanding) to prop up and popularize their phony concoctions. But it really boils down to a matter of degrees. The Democrats are incessantly wrapping blatant failure and dysfunctional, even harmful and counterproductive, policies in lovely looking, popularly appealing packages. The Republicans often rattle off a decent litany of principles on the record, then participate in creating the opposite behind the scenes. Both are untrustworthy but one party has come to represent a special level of delusion based deception that the other party would never be allowed to entertain. When I vote for Republicans it's almost always because the Democratic candidates' versions of Fantasyland - the typical Democratic Party line of race-bating, mud slinging, zero reality based hypocritical shit - normally amounts to some very well hidden sacrifices of REAL long term socioeconomic health in order to obtain a short term APPEARANCE of something positive. Namely, something that can be used to gratify the demands of as many of their rabid special interest groups as possible and thus translate into donations and votes.. The right choice of lies repetitively served up and made palpable by a dishonest media and presto - political success, but unfortunately, a high probability of eventual policy failure. The "War on Poverty" is just one example of how something offered up as a nice sounding solution to a horrible problem actually ends up amplifying and perpetuating the problem rather than solving it..
Well stated position on our partisan dilemma. I can break the complexity down some. Democrats can justify that values are what you think they are. Therefore the controllers, pretending or buying up democrats, bought up corporate media and changed peoples thinking. Better stated, mislead them. Media has taught cognitive distortions covertly for 40 years, pretending they were functional for critical thinking. Republicans are supposed to stand for principles. The principle of profit for power was the first one supported, then that invested in democracy The above is why I've conceived of the principle party. Whereupon voters actually educate themselves and each other into the prime principles of the constitution then ONLY vote for people that address the principles VERY well. Of course the baby boomers were in the prime of adolescence when the big misleading began, so got a large dose of it, rendering them with one half clue at best, generally, and that will not be found with either party. Having slightly more clue than my boomer counterparts, I conceived of the principle party as a party to end all parties.
If nothing else you have to give the boomers credit for one thing that still is in effect today and that all the generations since have enjoyed..... stopping the military draft......
LOL he said change.....what fuckin change weather it be repubic,or demonic still the same shit stain o the same underwears....oh yeah you voted for obama didnt you, change change change ,was a little lie too get you dumbshit saps too vote for him..
they already did bruh.....we got obama not once but twice and in the two terms turn everything too shit..i got you're change from shitty too shittier ....and for these new crybaby's cant get right now so they blame the past smfh...
Interesting. To be honest though, I'm not really understanding your ideas but anything that could exchange bullshit for tried and true principles has to be an improvement. It seems today that anyone with intentions and ideas that would actually improve our lives can't surface and sail, being immersed in a sea of self-serving sewage. Oink, oink.
I suppose so, the world war two era was a catalyst to this corruption. We have been living in a climate of fear ever since.
The ideas are the ideals of the constitution and the documents which frame its intent. Exactly HOW our republic can be democratically controlled by us with truth. It turns out the best of it is largely indigenous natural law, which can serve us in uniting our humanity. Sewage perhaps certainly, but here I would venture another master is being served by those opposing a common sense definition of for the purpose of free speech. These are the first artificial barriers we must overcome. By robust agreement and certainty of reason in absolutes, a few of us will be pioneers into a truly peaceful and sustainable future. But we must see through the sewage.