I am interested in going to 2010 Cannibis Cup. But I can't find any web sites that have a good review. Such as buying package deals ect. How to get to and from locations? Please if you have been if you could give me a idea how it is layed out and I may have a question for you! Happy Schwag Manager
No matter where you look travel in amsterdam will be pricy around the cannabis cup. I've actually looked in the past, and plane tickets and hotel rooms are about three times as expensive in November (the month of the cup) than they are in Feburary (tourism off season). When I looked I remeber the prices being 800 and 2400 for a week.
The CannAbis cup isn't until late November of this year...hightimes.com runs it so you can find info there and probably GOOGLING "Cannabis Cup" can't hurt....
Thanks for the reply's but not quite the ones I am looking for. Im more wondering if the hotels you stayed at had a form of shuttle to the expo site as well as the coffee shops that are involved, what shops had the most free samples with quality marijuana food and smoke (I'm sure that is all of them.) I guess i just want some first hand accounts. The web site doesnt break it down very well about if its hard or not traveling there ect. Nor does google! Thank you!