Here's the vid of the gentleman. \n \nLook, I'm not usually the type of person to be a knee-jerk reactionary to every single police misconduct, but these particular officers just seem like pieces of shit on a power trip. I was surprised that they tried to go to the race thing. But, seeing as he was pulled over so many times in such a short period, it really does make me wonder if this is a case of DWB. Positions of power do tend to attract some of the worst kinds of people in the world. Additionally, as a former Arizona resident: Surprise is a piece of shit city in general (perhaps @ICGreen can attest to this), and I've always heard bad cop stories from there.
Ah, I was meaning more or less just having experience with the general overall shittyness of Surprise. But that's good you have no run-ins with the law there. Also did you get a notification saying I mentioned you in a post? Because I don't know if I'm doing it right
I'm all for getting dumb ass people off the roads, in Edmonton the legal limit is fucking zero, meaning 0.00001 and ur going to jail, it happens way to often out here, people drive drunk and kill somebody else. This however, is just completely different, i love how no matter what the fuck this cop does, including killing some one, we all know hes going to be back out on the streets again, its just insane.
They used to have that weird @mention button under our avatar's. Damn I forgot smokie above, long ass day.
"Its not all about the money" hahaha. Oh really, your out 5g and suing for 500! Even if you add the impound fees, money lost when his wife left work, this is clearly about the money.
the cops look at laws as tools for arresting people remember when dwi limits were .12 then they wanted .08, everyone threw a big fuss, but of course they got there way now they want .04 i dont drink, i think its good and all, but they keep taking our rights away and why is the first thing the waiter ask at the restraunt is if i want to buy a drink??????
As i said above, it ain't a big deal yo, thats the way it is here, we have a ton of fatalities due to drunk drivers and the minority had enough of it i guess so yeah.
That's AZ for you, they're on DUIs tough and the laws are extremely strict. It's a no tolerance state and they just want your money. It's really in the smaller towns like Surprise though. You actuallu go into Phoenix and this isn't even close to a problem.
"The 64-year-old retired firefighter moved to a Surprise retirement community from Ohio." Shittiest birthday present ever.
It is because they make more money on the drinks than the meal also your bill will be higher so your tip will be too. People tip better after a drink or two. If they drop the limit to .04 then my days of even one drink with dinner are over!
AZ cops are retarded. Oh wait that's all cops. In reality though Ive never met such ignorant delusional idiotic morons like the police in AZ. Baffling.
Wow... the cops were just racist dicks who wanted to give this guy a DWB, Driving While Black. For some reason cops seem to find that as suspicious behavior. I am sick of the police haha.
In my experience, I'd have to agree with you. I was stopped for speeding on the freeway and the officer got the year, make, and model of the car I was driving completely wrong, and I was able to successfully fight the ticket.
Yup. Police do these things. People need to stop being so nice to police. They.can and do harrass innocent people. They do it more then.criminals. 9/10 rapes assaults Ans burgleries go unsolved. Useless Sent from my LG-E739 using Grasscity Forum mobile app