
Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by cBx420, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. I'm Chance, i'm new here. Suppppppp guys.:smoke:
  2. Hello, welcome to the greatest counter-culture forums in the short history of the internet:wave:
  3. Thanks man!
  4. Welcome! Where you located at?
  5. Nebraska :smoke:
  6. Sweet. Never been there. Never really even been around that way. How's it?
  7. It's pretty shitty atm.. snow EVERYWHERE cold as fuck. During summer is pretty sick tho.
  8. Sweet. It is snowing here in Utah right now too. I love the snow though. I'm snowboard though. So that helps.
  9. Ah I hate the snow.. but i'll deal with it.
  10. Ha ha why do you live in nebraska then?
  11. I'm moving soon I'm working atm. Saving up money to move to Cali.
  12. Sweet. I love Cali. Lived there for a little bit of my life.

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