I'm having trouble getting an acurate reading on my scale that I just bought. It is the AWS-1KG scale. I have uploaded a video on what is my problem. Video: 2012 07 29 17 09 19 627 - YouTube
Not sure but it looks to me to need calibrating. Weigh a nickel and see what you get. It should be 5G.
True but I posted a thread and someone said they had the one I had for 14 years and it worked perfected until it either got stolen I think he said or he left it out and the rain. One or the other because there was another person talking also about he had one.
I said I had a my weigh palmscale for 14 yrs that hasnt needed calibrating and my aws is always off if you're thinking of that
I just got it today and didn't over pressure it. You think I should return it and get a new one or just ask for a refund?
I have the same one and it works perfectly. Send it back for an exchange. I buy most of my stuff from Amazon because of their great return policy.
Buy one from Old Wilknott or something like that on Ebay. 20 year warranty and still less than $20. I've had mine for 5 years now with no problems.