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Awkward when high?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by kittenkush, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. I'm not really a new smoker but lately ive been finding myself increasingly socially awkward when im blazed... I can't think of anything to say, ever, and just go really silent. I still enjoy my high but I just would rather be more fun. Does anyone have any advice??
  2. To counter-act this you could try smoking out of a vape so that you dont get that couchlock lazy feeling or smoke a sativa which will make you just want to beast and do work n shit like that.

    I have the same feelings when in extreme public places blazed. But i have no problem talking to people just feel awkward.
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  4. Question: How are you when you're sober?

    Quick fix: Be alone.

    True fix: Work at improving your conversational skills. There's a lot of ways to reduce social anxiety.
  5. i used to get like that when i was smoking out my current girlfriend b4 we were together...her friends would be around and i wouldnt mind smoking with em but it was like...i didnt know what to say to them because they were'nt exactly my type of croud
  6. some people are, you have too get over it.
  7. the only way that i get awkward is that i'm usually really loud and talk a lot when sober

    once i've smoked, i just listen to everyone and seem to not have any energy to interact, so everyone seems to think that i'm stand offish or have something against them.

    but inside i'm joining in and laughing right along with them!
  8. I'm normally pretty quiet sober but when I smoke I talk more and feel like I might be annoying, although people assure me that I'm not. It's probably just a mental thing, you go from being on one end of the spectrum (talkative) to the other (quiet) and since you're not that used to it you just feel awkward.
  9. i feel the same way. i completely lose my "ness" when stoned. wasn't always like that. but i just get super down on myself because there's shit i should be doing. maybe there's something you need to accomplish, and the herb is getting in the way of it?
  10. I'm very awkard when i'm high, sober i'm loud, obnoxious, and just in your face, high i'm quiet, reserved and focused.

    Though i've started to drag some of my sober self to my high self, but mostly you just have to get used to it, some people are social smokers, others are not.
  11. Yeah, if I'm faded and can barely concentrate on anything I tend to shy away. Keeping from hitting the bong or something pretty strong can help or smoking out of a vape to avoid that couchlock.

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