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Awesome weekend ahead

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Kb420, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. So me and my buds are getting quite a bit of bud, smoking all night friday and waking and baking on saturday. Does anyone have any suggestions on some cool stuff we should do while we are stoned out of our minds?
  2. L and E at shows
  3. Play hide the bong :ey:
  4. depending on where you live.. get really stoned and go on an walking adventure. just talk with your friends and have a good time! get home.. munch down and watch some tv.. video games.. invite some girls.. smoke some more. just dont get too lazy man! keep your night exciting and happy!
  5. Movie hopping is fun, pay for one go see 4 haha.
    Buffet's for dinner or breakfeast, can never go wrong here.

    Get lost in the back country is always fun, enjoying the scenery especially with all the snow on the trees.
  6. Listen to music, order some pizzas, get some bitches up in there. Nobody likes a sausage fest.
  7. Seriously though, if you guys play cards 10 point pitch is a great game to play stoned.
  8. Movies, girls, adventures, xbox, food, walk around town. Its so much fun to be outside doing something when your baked, as opposed to sitting on the couch.
  9. All wicked sick ideas. And no no one likes a sausage fest hahaha. Im still thinking about how I can sneak my bong over to his house without my parents seeing it.
  10. Backpack, paper bag, ps3/xbox box. :smoke:
  11. put your bong in your car when your parents aren't home.
  12. lol, I'm doing the exact same thing... weird.
  13. Sick man and yeah im gonna do the Xbox backpack idea up for sneaking my bong out.
  14. Video games, music, movies, girls, eating, concerts, parties.

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