Awesome trippy shit

Discussion in 'General' started by tjbucki, Feb 12, 2014.

  1. Just smoked some good dank i have no idea what it was but I got trippy mild hallucinations it was awesome as fuck then i kept getting cold then i got real hot it keep going on and off awesome trip plus the vaporizer made me a lot higher :)

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  2. watch this while high its weird as fuck lol
  3. It's awesome seeing strange animal interactions like those.... What about a gorilla and a sloth... ?
  4. Holy shit i saw that one before its fucking creepy

    Sent from my iPod touch using Grasscity Forum
    That motherfucker is awesome! I could watch an entire movie of that kinda trippy shit. Fuck yeah.
    ..pot is not a hallucinogen.
    no bullshit maybes, what ifs, sortas, or other is not.
    it is psychotropic though. There is a difference.
  7. It was mild i said it wasn't like LSD just when i looked at my phone screen once and a while ill see colors or patterns very mild tho but i would see something then when i closed my eyes i could see it like lsd it was pretty cool

    Sent from my iPod touch using Grasscity Forum

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