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Awesome portable video games

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by sw93, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. So I'm gonna be headed up to this inn or something this weekend. Gonna bring along my bowl and whats left of my stash, but one of my only methods of entertainment is going to either be my hacked PSP or maybe a girl that'll smoke up with me.

    So I'm looking for any awesome games for any of the gameboy systems, or super nintendo. Or, even, if someone else with a hacked psp knew any good homebrew apps or something I'd also go for that. I'm already thinking Super Mario stoned is going to be pretty fun.

    Post your suggestions!
  2. Google "PSP homebrew emulators", and there ya go.

  3. I should clarify: I have the emulators, I'm trying to plan out some fun games to have around when I'm faded this weekend.
  4. boggle is pretty awesome. i play boggle when im high and i play alot better while stoned. tower defense games are REALLY fucking addicting while blazed, atleast to me.
  5. Go to theoldcomputer and download a bunch of Zelda roms.
  6. megaman.. I can't tell you how deep i get into that game when im blazed, thinking how cool it would be to be megaman and steal powers when you beat someone.. but only games 1-6.. the others don't matter..
  7. if your looking for actually PSP games, I hear daxter is pretty legit
  8. heard little big planet is out for psp, that should be fun high or loco roco,patapon, man theres a bunch of fun games to play :p
  9. Metroid: Zero Mission and Metoid Fission Kick ass on the GBA.

  10. Back when I had a PSP it was at like 3.03C i think. In my opinion if your PSP isnt on custom firmware it isn't worth the money lol. Anywho you can go to and download free PSP ISO's (yes the full games). Or you could go the emulator route and just load up on a ton on the old skool games like Pokemon Yellow (just played it today lol no joke), or metroid, or my personal fav, Zelda: A Link to the Past, on either SNES or GBA
  11. They did remakes of Dragon Quest 4 and 5 for the DS--they're both excellent, excellent RPGs.

    The Phoenix Wright series is great if you can find it (kinda rare, though they're doing a wiiware release). It's an adventure game where you play a lawyer, there are really exciting court cases, and it's got a really funny translation.

    I played the shit out of Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia when I got it, and I'm not really a Castlevania fan. I literally played it for about eight hours straight the day I bought it, to the point where my thumbs were in extreme pain.

    Professor Layton games are good if you like brainteasers--they're basically puzzle books, and tough as hell.

    If you want a complete mindfuck, go for FLower, Sun and Rain. It's done by the guy who did Killer7 and No More Heroes--they're basically david lynch in videogame form. It's not a "good" game, but it's bizarre enough--one of the weirdest fucking games I've ever played.
  12. #13 8ight, Jan 16, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 16, 2010
    Golden Sun is one of my favorite GBA games. Definitely check it out if you're into RPGs. I think this one's easily on par with the FF series (well, the ones I've played, which is just FFIV and FFIII on the DS). Just get the first one... first. The Lost Age isn't really an upgrade or anything, just a continuation of the story. But I like the story better in the first one. :)

    edit: can you get DS games that don't use the touch screen? The Dark Spire is an awesome old-school RPG throwback. Very simplistic, but so addicting. My favorite DS game, actually.

  13. I'm out of rep; you deserve some, but Golden sun was the best game ever for the GBA. The original kicked SO much ass. I never, ever could beat the last fucking boss though. SO GODDAMN HARD.

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