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Avoiding Epic Failure in Glycerine Tincture (Help)

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by objektiv, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. #1 objektiv, Jan 29, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2011
    Thanks to wild Will for his recipe and pics.
    But, (And Wild Will, please chime in),

    There have been so many failures. Not to mention people taking this simple procedure and then talking about tons of modifications.

    I just had a failure using the Alcohol method- (followed DR. Jay Cavanaugh's recipe to the T), and it's weak and unpleasant...the same bud smokes beautifully.

    SO...My question is, has Wild Will, or anybody else decided how many grams good bud per oz. of Glycerine makes a nice sublingual tincture? (let's not throw swallowing it into the mix, because that TOTALLY ruins the experiment).

    There's been a lot of posts and nice people, but a large bit of fuzzy logic in the back and forth replies...not to say anyone isn't smart. It gets confusing. (This is still the best, most helpful forum I've found, and there are lots of thoughtful folks here, so no insult intended).

    But I've yet to see a well-stated confirmation of the efficacy of Wild Will's Recipe: people leaving out critical info, or adding elements without testing the effect of those elements separately.

    I use dispensary bought High CBD bud that's rare, and it cost me 100 bucks a quarter, so I really don't want to blow another 100 bucks on a failed glycerine tinc. The alcohol one sucked, and it was as simple as could be, written by a phD, and backed up by a well known MD.

    Can anybody help with pot to glycerine ratio, assuming an 8 hour low heat crockpot heating ?

    Also, the TEMPERATURE has GOT to be VERY critical...anybody out there have the costly and hard won experience of figuring out the best thermometer-gauged temp for 8 hours?

  2. See here's the thing about tinctures - you don't NEED to use good bud to get the best results. In fact, it's probably better that you don't. I use pre-vaped leftovers and some additional shake and that's it. I might throw some kief in my mix if I have any left over.

    I really don't understand how people have messed up my recipe, it's worked for me three times already and I'm getting ready to do another batch early next month. The thing about the crock pot is you don't HAVE to use a thermometer or worry about the temperature, you put it on low, stir it up every hour or so and you're good to go.

    Also as I already stated, use at least 1 gram of material per ounce of glycerin. I usually will go with as much as I can get, up to a full ounce of material - but again the material I use is very low grade - because you get the best results.

    Using really good bud will actually be a waste, unless you're going to vape it up first.

    Maybe people are leaving it on too long, 8 - 12 hours seems to be the best - plus I also found that after canning it up it will continue to gain potency. The longer it sits the more potent it gets....

    Good luck, lemme know how it turns out.

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