avocado in worm bin

Discussion in 'Growing Organic Marijuana' started by Laucass83, Oct 31, 2023.

  1. Is avocado safe to compost in worm bin? Well, 2nd attempt here and with the same results! Avocado attracted a lot of pot worms and they quickly multiplied. Hundreds of pot worms quickly colonising the piece of overripe flesh, and then they quickly start to die! To the point of becoming a mass of dead white worms. I find this pretty scary for my Red Wigglers buddies.
    I don't buy organic avocados, just regular bags of small ones from Mexico. Seeing all those dead worms in a matter of hours have me wondering about all the pesticides and vermicides used on the crop, and their potential to harm worms and soil life in general. I never see such things composting non organic fruits like apple skins and core, melons, banana peels....
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  2. I have in the past used the same Avocados in my bins with no problems. There was even a grower that was using Avocados in his planted pots with good results. I believe he had some YouTube videos showing his method and results.

    It could just be the condition you created at the site of the Avocado.

    Check out this video title on YouTube. It will not play here.
    Pot worms infestation in your worm farm?
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  3. The worms love avocados. Especially when they are about to, or have gone bad.
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  4. Good to know, my wife and I love avocado. Very seldom is there not one in the house.
    We have one go bad occasionally. Never entered my mind to put them in my bin, not sure why LOL.
    Bet money on that's where they'll be going from now on.
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  5. Both TimJ and Organic Sinse you are like Worm Authority for me so I'll really on your words for this one!!
    I wish I could have took some pics, but my phone camera is so bad I can't even get qr codes so pot worms had no chance! My bin is super healthy, moist like a wet sponge that won't drip. I harvested 3 of the 4 trays last week to rework my soil and had 0 signs of pot worms. Started a new tray with fresh bedding. Then found hundreds of them in ball, dead, around what's left of avocado flesh. Weird.
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