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Average high/smell times

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by kstev, Dec 31, 2012.

  1. #1 kstev, Dec 31, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 31, 2012
    Does something similar to this graph exist? (Filled out, of course)

    I've always wanted a chart like this, even more advanced if possible such as accounting for indoors vs. outdoors, temperature, etc.

    So firstly, does this exist? If not, is it possible to get a really close time estimation or are there too many variables? And lastly, can anyone here fill it out pretty accurately?

  2. This is a very interesting idea, I've actually always been thinking of start to experiment with my personal habits. Although you are basing this off of amount of hits, that can always depend. I can pack a bong bowl, take two "hits" and be ripped. I can also pass the same amount in a circle and get 5 total hits out of it. So there might be too many variables, but definitely try this out !
  3. its all. about. the weed.

    and the size. of. the hit
  4. Depends also on the persons tolarence ;) can't forget that..
  5. you could try it but i think there is too many variables, like the type of weed, inside or outside, and even if your bong or pipe are clean or not
  6. I agree it's about the size and duration of the hit, however I'm sure there's a decent average that can be calculated for categories of dank, mid and schwagg. Outside of measuring THC levels it can't provide much result-wise and I wouldn't bother with smell statistics, but this could be done effectively on a personal level, though
  7. No no no... It's all about the fabric of your clothing and how well it retains olfactory particles.
  8. Smoke Outside, No smell anywhere......
  9. haha I think itd be cool af to have a chart like that.
  10. Theres alot of variables such as the potency of your weed which will determine the strength and length of your high.
    Also the person smoking probably won't smell very much unless they have weed on them. and the area shouldnt smell if ur outside and from experience if u smoke inside (ex. bathroom) it takes about 15-30 min to air out the area
  11. I am going to try and make a chart like this .... Are these all of the factors? I'm drawing blanks but I feel like there are more

    High length factors
    Number of hits
    Size of hit (small/average/big)
    Type of weed (schwagg/mids/dank)
    Tolerance (low/average/high)
    Smoking device (vape/edibles/pipe/bubbler/gravity bong/joint/bong)
    How long you hold in (short/long)

    Smell length factors
    Number of hits
    Size of hit (small/average/big)
    Type of weed (schwagg/mids/dank)
    Clothing fabric (wool/cotton/leather/cloth/skin)
    Location (car/outside/small room/big room)
    Temperature/weather ( hot/average/cold/windy/calm)
    Smoking device (vape/pipe/bong/joint/bubbler/gravity bong)
    Cleanliness of smoking device (clean/dirty)
    Where you blow the hit (away/on you/in vicinity)
    Cornering bowl (just enough smoke for hit/constantly smoking)
  12. # of hits wouldn't be a great variable as you take a different amount from a hit nearly every time you puff.
  13. Generally the smell can be cleared out within 3-4 hours after 20 hits or less. This is with a fan at the point of origin, and air circulation throughout the entire house. A light amount of spray always helps, but don't over do it.
  14. As for the high I've never had one last more than 6 hours, but usually I'll fall asleep after smoking that much.

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