Automobile Insurance

Discussion in 'General' started by Boson-H, Jan 19, 2014.

  1. Welp, I'm in the market for a new auto insurance carrier, because my current policy with a local company is coming to an end. I don't want a local company anymore, as I feel they are way overcharging me and when I did get into a wreck, they didn't do anything about it. 
    So who do you have? Geico? Allstate? State farm? USAA (I used to have them but meh)? Other? What are you paying and for what type of car? How is your driving record? I am thinking of going with Geico.

  2. tiny car
    clean record: safe low risk non smoker
    liability only is about 650 a year...30+ years of auto insurance and never filed a ****ing claim...{  can you say "rip off" ...I thought you could }
  3. Allstate, 94 Cherokee SE, clean record. $600/yr for liability only.
  4. who you got though so i know who not to go through lol dont say geico i just paid for the shit online
  5. Have you any idea how difficult it is to insure a cloud? :cool:
    thats just any company...I do shop every 6 months and it just is that price.
  7. apparently it is just as difficult to insure a cloud as it is to post an on-topic reply
    He's on topic, just about 30 years late.
  9. #9 Thunderfucked, Feb 9, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 9, 2014
    Wanna hear something crazy? I have no accidents and one speeding ticket for 5 over that i got about a year ago. My insurance quote for liability (plpd) on a 94 Ford Ranger from AllState was $535 A MONTH.

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