autoflowering, yellowing of plants

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by greenelasticban, May 7, 2009.

  1. well hope this is a good one got myself automatic flowering seeds, 15
    easy Ryder and 15 low Ryder , all feminized. germinated them only 2
    didn't sprout, most of them are looking healthy. that's what I'm
    posting about need some advice a couple of the easy ryders have kind of
    small wrinkly leaves and the new leaves growing in are doing the same,
    and another 1 is really bright yellow, crazily yellow!!!

    I have two 1.5m nft hydro beds with 15 easy Ryder in 1 and 13 low Ryder
    in the other, all the other plants are doing fine apart from 4 wrinkly
    ones and 1 bright yellow 1.

    They only 13 days old I have them on a quarter strength nutrient
    solution of house and gardens A and B and root stimulator too, I'm
    following the 10 week chart provided but at quarter strength to begin
    with and going too miss out a couple of weeks to bring it down to 7
    weeks with nutrients and then 2 weeks with water.

    I've got them in a 2.4mL x 1.2mD x 2.0mH grow tent with 2 600w hps
    lights in cool tubes with extractor fans running, my temperature and
    humidity levels are fine, just cant figure out what's wrong, going to
    post pictures soon but can someone please help, this is only my third
    grow and never really had any problems before

  2. Lets see all plants are under the same conditions and with the problem limited to 1 strain,i might have to say mutants,bad seed(there's one in every group) Would like to see your set tho:smoke:

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