
Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Colem, Feb 8, 2024.

  1. The one in the front is 6 almost 7 weeks old and has been flowering for about 2 weeks. The one in the back left is the same age but is not flowering yet. The one on the very right is almost 4 weeks old. I’ve had the light to close for a couple weeks until yesterday bc I had the wrong info on the light. They got burned and all and I thought it was for other reasons. But needless to say I stunted the two on the left and I want to know what to expect. The buds look nice but are very small on the front one so idk if they will get much bigger
  2. Multiple threads are not needed. We can all see your first one. I already answered the other one.
  3. Multiple threads are not needed theirs only the 4 of us and welcome new member is that 5 now?

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