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Auto OG w Morcrop 5-10-10 Tomato and Veg Fertiliser, healthy for her?

Discussion in 'Indoor Grow Journals' started by TwellGauge, May 7, 2023.

  1. Hey all,I'm growing an auto in my closet and its my first time. I'm still in the late seedling phase her finger leaves are just getting bigger than the round leaves I have her 30 in under a 600 w led on veg mode(so probly half that rn) and in a 5 gallon pot with detatchable bottom. I just have been feeding her spring water every morning right before lights on and just installed an inline fan venting system to pull the hot air from the top and passively intake through the bottom. The issue I'm having is I am definitely going the nst method when she goes into veg but I'm kind of limited to a 5-10-10 morcrop tomato and veg feed will this be sufficient? Because its literally all I can get rn but if so when should I start feeding it to her? I was gonna go with bat guano but seems that this fertiliser would be potentially safer to ingest and also has a higher npk number. Any advice is greatly appreciated as I'm having trouble finding the resources I need for this. Happy growing!
  2. move this to a grow journal ,
    ask a mod by using the report button that way you can easy keep track on your visits here at GC,

    post some pics may make you famous as Elvis

    good luck

    ps try some nute with a high nitrogen factor Bugbee(YT) prefers 20-10-20 (n-p-k), but go real lite
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  3. Thank you so much! Could you elaborate on the first part? Sorry its my first time and my knowledge about forums and growing are both limited. Ive read somewhere if you feel like youve absorbed enough knowledge for one day, put it down for the night and then go at it the next day but still limited resources atm unfortunately. Also what are your feelings about using bat guano as fertilizer for autoflowers? Thanks again I really appreciate your perspective and advice! Ive a lot of people I could really help once I get things going medically so trying to cross all my ts and dot all my i's with the budget I'm on
  4. I'm an organic grower as its more fun and it is, bat shit is very hot stuff almost as hot as blood as a nute, so go very gentle indeed, If test on a non weed plant first and keep in mind it may take 5-7 days to show any effect

    check the link: GWE

  5. Much appreciated brother! Thats the only way I wanna go I dont believe using synthetic ferts could be good for consuming it only makes sense that your plant is what you feed it but still waiting for her to start veg so I can begin some Lst and make the most of my yeild. I just introduced the good led beginning of week two (yesterday) and gave her a good watering and she seems to be just chugging along. I think setting up that exhaust system did a great justice too. Ive been between 22 and 24 c° but I'll try to see about how I can go about getting the guano as well as the 20-10-20 but the only one I can find so far is for citrus plants such as lemons limes etc

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