Hi everyone, I'm doing my first grow and I purchased Short Stuff Seeds Blue Himalaya from Attitude Seed Bank. I was curious though on the lighting aspect of the grow. I've purchased 4 CFL 6500k and 4 CFL 2700k. It's going to sound somewhat dumb, but this is my first grow and I want to get this right. Am I going to need to switch bulbs at some point? or can I just roll through the entire grow with one light spectrum? If I have to use both, what exactly do you look for on your plant to know when you must switch over? I'd appreciate any insight into this. Thanks!
Im growing the same strain and am about 3 weeks into flowering. I think you'll be happy with it! Anyways, whats the wattage of the CFLs? Either way I would prolly just use all the lights at once just because you want as much light as possible in there. Red and blue spectrum should be ok for both stages...
Thanks for the reply. I'm looking forward to starting the grow on those seeds. Glad to hear you liked them as well. As for the bulbs I have (4 - 2700k soft white, 26 W, put out 1650 lumens each bulb.) and I also have (4 - 6500k Daylight , 26W , put out 1600 lumens each bulb). What would you suggest for a successful grow?
What I would suggest is this: Instead of spending $5 here, $12 there on CFLs go online and order yourself a 150W HPS light. I've seen them for $80. They put out 16,000 lumens and are great for 1-2 plants. Also get yourself some good nutrients. One of the most important things that I failed to do in my first grows was to watch your PH. Get a Ph test kit, check ur soil often and get some PH up/down. It can make the difference between a succesful grow and a mutilated plant
Use the 65ks for veg and 27ks for flower after about 15-20 Days you should be able to tell the sex of the plant once that happens switch from 65k to 27k
I don't think u should just use the 65Ks for veg cuz I don't think you'll hve enough light for the plant. There's nothing wrong with having a mixed spectrum all throughout the grow
I agree I have been using both MH & HPS and a few cfl's.Better to have as much light as possible if u have it.If possible try to keep the Soft whites closest as possible when flowering stage begins (12/12).
He asked when the right time to switch his lights was and the right time to switch lights is when flowering begins, can you read....?
Thanks everyone for your input, it's much appreciated. I'm just about ready to start this first grow & needless to say I'm pretty excited about it. I just purchased my bag of Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil and Fox Farm Grow Big / Big Bloom plant formula. Now just hoping that these seeds make it through customs so I can get this thing going.
Can you read tard?! We allready established that he should use ALL the lights on a 24/7 schedule cuz it's an autoflower. Do you really think he should use his inky dinky 65Ks and then switch to the other ones when he can just use all of em at the same time? Cuz I sure as hell don't. Don't sacrifice light, it's how your plant grows
regardless of what you think he still asked when he should switch his lights because most people use different lights for veg and flower (common knowledge) so i told him when to switch them
use the 6500k for veg and the 2700k for flower you will know when to switch the lights when little hairs start coming out of the branches with autofowers it usally takes about 20 days to show sex
My seeds are feminized. Does that make any difference in the lighting schedule knowing they're female already? Or should I just go with what you stated above.
no it makes no difference just switch the lights out once they start flowering and what light schedule are you running? I would suggest an 18/6 light schedule (meaning lights on for 18 hours and lights off for 6 hours)
I did a lot of reading around and saw that most people suggested 20/4 or 18/6. From what I've understood most people like to go with 18/6 and that's what I'll go with as well.