Auto AK47 - 250w MH/HPS soil grow

Discussion in 'Micro Grows' started by SimC33, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. #1 SimC33, Feb 7, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 11, 2011
    What up everyone...So I decided to try out an Auto-AK seed and also got 2 free feminized seeds which I will germinate after this grow. ANYWAYS...the grow setup is as follows:

    • 4 x 26w CFL 6500k bulbs
    • Mini storage tub for reservior
    • 3" net pot
    • 1x dual pump
    • 2x airstones
    • computer BOX not case (gives me more room)

    So I germinated using the paper towel method, as always, worked perfectly. I then put the germed seed into the rapid rooter and placed hydroton around the rapid rooter and placed into the small bucket with half a gallon of distilled water. The sprouted about 3 days ago I'd say. It hasnt been able to take off yet because the shell of the seed was being a little stubborn. So I helped the shell off of it today so we should start to see some good growth now.

    The main root is already about 6-7 inches long and is now making little branches off of it as well. So we are good to go. The light cycle we are on is the 18/6 and plan to do so for the entire grow. Nutrients will obviously be used since its only growing in water, and the nutes being used will be the lucas formula with the GH flora series nutes. Temperatures are doing well. 66 with lights off and 70-74 with lights on.

    I hope to see some followers, advice, etc as I go along in this. I will post pictures up often as it progresses as well. Take care everyone. And any and all questions are welcome.


  2. Nice set up.I will defiantly follow to see a progress .:wave:
  3. Alrighty well about 24 hours after the first pictures this is what the roots look like now and what the top looks like. I had to help the seedling out with it's shell. It was stuck on there. But anyways, ill update some more as time goes by.

  4. Very Stealthy!

    Keep us posted.
  5. Just curious and I know someone can answer this quickly, the Ph of the distiller water in the little reservoir is 5.71. This ok? Or is that too low? I know 6.5 is "ideal" or w/e. Like I said, just curious. Thanks
  6. NICE. I have some auto AK seeds ready for germ after my current session. interested to see what it does with hydro.
  7. Alrighty well 2 days later and a simple water change, heres an update.

  8. I'll follow for some progress.
  9. Well I got a little bored so i was checking on my girl like every 30 minutes and I decided to move the lights that were VERTICAL and about 12 inches away down to about 4-6 inches HORIZONTAL now. I also decided to put the intake fan that was on the outside inside to give the plant more air flow to strengthen it and what not and the temps went down actually. I was surprised. Anyways, here's what I did, hopefully we will see some better progress. Happy tokin' :hello:

  10. Nice set-up.

  11. Thanks man, I appreciate the compliment. On another note, is there any way to move this thread to the indoor grow journals or should I just go copy and paste in there? I thought maybe I would get more responses, more traffic to my thread lol. Or does the plant just need to grow up a little bit before it becomes interesting to others? Haha guess there really is no excitement in little seedlings are there? Happy tokin' y'all!
  12. probably need to pm an admin to get the thread moved
  13. Alrighty well today i got bored yet again and decided to cut a whole in the top of the pc box and mount the 250w MH grow light that I have which turned out to look and work very well, the only problem I saw which is a big one is that the temps of 70-73 degrees that the CFL's had turned into 88-91 degrees with the MH doing it's thing. Sooooooo I decided to put the CFLs back in and just use those. I would rather it grow slower with perfect temps than POSSIBLY faster (if it doesn't stunt it's growth) with the 88-91 degree temps. Im trying to think of ways to lower this so I can use the MH. I was thinking of adding another exhaust fan at the top right next to the current one so I'd have 2 exhaust fans. Or would it be better to have 2 intakes and 1 exhaust? Help is much appreciated!

  14. Looks very interesting. That's one bad ass cardboard box.

    I'd suggest more exhaust rather than intake. It's a lot more efficient to pull rather than push the air. What are you doing for smell?
  15. #15 SimC33, Feb 12, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 16, 2011

    Yea I think im just gonna add a 120mm exhaust fan to it see how that goes. As for the smell. No concern with it...I live in a one bedroom so it's no one but me and the girlfriend. :D
  16. I can't really tell from the picture but can you mount fans on the side of the MH lamp? Getting air moving through the hood can keep the box from heating up significantly. It's easier to vent through the top where it's hottest. Laying a sheet of plexi or glass between the light and the box can help too if there's nothing there already.

    I don't have a lamp that big though so YMMV. Still looks really good.
  17. That is a bad ass setup, any idea how much it cost for you to put it all together? Definitely one i would/am considering using!

  18. I don't know how easy it would be to mount fans to the side of it without having a lot of light leakage. BUT I do like the idea of putting some plexi glass over it to block that heat. Any idea where I can get some of that about that size? Never had to look nor bought it before. But thanks for that advice, I'm probably gonna use this idea. What kind of temp changes you think does blocking it with? Hopefully a lot lol.

    Thanks for the compliment man, umm I'd say everything was under $100 BESIDES the 250w MH/HPS light I have and the 3" net pot that I got from the local hydroponics store here. I literally found EVERYTHING else for this setup at wal mart (minus the box). But that's cheap and easy as hell to find, just go to a UPS store lol.
  19. Well trying to stay as up to date as possible and detailed of each step, here's what has happened today. Nothing much, but i installed a 120mm intake fan to the bottom of the box. I now have the larger fan that was INSIDE the box on the outside feeding the 120mm fan some fresh air. Temps with CFLs were 70-72 and never passed it. I am now doing a 10-15 min trial of the 250w MH to see if the temps are now suitable. If not, I will be heading to home depot or lows or something go get a piece of plexi glass for the MH

  20. Plexi you can get at home depot.

    Depending how much air you get moving above the plexi (through the MH hood) I'd imagine you can shave 5-10 degrees off your temps relatively easily.

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