
Discussion in 'Movies' started by bonglicious, Apr 26, 2009.

  1. Australia was a great movie. I'm definitely going to buy it. I was high for about the first hour and a half and it was really hard to follow. It was so sad and made me so happy.

    What did you think about it?
  2. I wasnt expecting to like it but I really did.

    It was an excellent movie.
  3. whats is it about in 2 sentances?
  4. A rich woman goes to Australia to negotiate a contract to sell her inherited property. She finds love for a "son" and man.

  5. bumpity bump.
  6. what did you find hard to follow about it?

    i thought it was alright but it felt more like a play than a movie. and it was like 2 movies combined into one with a thin storyline connecting the two acts. the first half theyre riding horses wrestling jumbucks and shit then all of a sudden theyre in the middle of the war for no reason other than it makes for an action packed climax.
  7. I'll have to agree with bonglicious. I thought the movie was great, along with the interesting storyline there was plenty of interesting scenery. Just when you thought you had this movie figured out something else happened and threw your predictions off.
  8. really? It got horrible reviews..
  9. Did anyone else notice the backgrounds when there was a lot of scenery looked kind of like cartoon-ish? Maybe I thought it did because I was high?
  10. I normally don't like bumping threads too much but I really would like some feedback.

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