Fuck yea. Dontcha just love all the non existent baby boomers up in our beautiful medical/legal state ? Lol...and how the hell you gonna MAKE the thread called "Australia unite" but live in a completely different country AND in a legal state. Seems wrong haha
I feel your pain. Incase anyone is not aware we just INCREASED the harshness of our laws and made bongs ILLEGAL.
Wish they could just leave us alone! Sick off people/polititions telling us what to do! Fuck them what do they know? Fight the power!
I'm from Northern NSW and we just passed a law that allows GP's to prescribe medical marijuana if the client has "exhausted all other medicines" its good and a nice step forward but when will they realise that medical marijuana is the answer for some people and they should have it straight up! I believe that we live in a funny coumtry when it comes to values, like they young people tend to be very liberal minded and the older are very conservative, but I go to school with alot of people and glad my class smokes and loves the Kush but the other half think it's the worst thing int the world ahah. But yes I think the conservative people in Australia are the reason why it is taking so long to be decriminalised or legalised. I have mates who live in the ACT and its decriminalised under like 25g and I THINK, not sure, they can grow one plant each per household...But I'm not sure, don't grow a plant in ACT just over something my mate told me while I was high af.
Yea we can grow 1 or 2 plants per house legally here. And it's legal to smoke your own grown inside of your own home I believe. Just not legal to sell it. If you're caught carrying less than 25g or so, you don't get in trouble. Honestly though the only people I know who have ever been caught are stupid dealers with blatantly obvious grow operations in their homes... but it's hardly anything to worry about for any normal smoker. This is why I voted for the Sex party (what a name). They want to decriminalize cannabis which I think is how things ought to be.