Auditory Hallucinations while smoking Pot of Gold?

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by 419plus1, Jan 22, 2010.

  1. So i picked up some incredibly dank Pot of Gold from my boy earlier today, and as I took a few hits off the RooR and started chillin in my room on my couch, I sat back and noticed that i was incredibly blazed. so i just closed my eyes to enjoy the high as i felt that as of late, i had been smoking habitually and not to enjoy it. (i had been smoking every day 3 or 4 times a day for the past 9-12 months up until last week) so, needless to say, i got incredibly smacked off a tiny amount because 2 days between sessions is a long time for me.

    anyways, as i leaned against the back cushions i started hearing musical scales played very slowly from low notes all the way up to the highest octaves, and at the same time another scale was doing the opposite, starting at the highest note and then working its way to the lowest my brain could "hear". it sounded like someone slowly working their way up and down a piano/organ - hitting every note along the way. i know this is a really crude description of what i heard, but i honestly thought i was tripping acid. didnt have any music on, and the only electronic device on was my computer with its fan running. has this happened to anyone else? could the bud have been laced? i also noticed a small sense of identity confusion, where at times i thought i was actually someone else - but that didnt last as long as the sounds i was hearing
  2. Bro like 15 minutes ago I was brewing some tea and fuckin trippin' on some dank shit and My ears started wiggin'. And The tea was bubbling and I could hear it brewing soft bubbles and then rough bubbles that sounded like my stomach was growling. I put my ear to the cup and heard nothing so i moved it away and it came back! And then i lifted the cup and it went away. But yeah I get auditory hallucinations all the time. But not from the same weed you were talking about. Fuck it's good though :smoking::smoking::smoking::smoking::smoking::D
  3. Any sound can be mistaken for a different sound when you are stoned off the realest dank.

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