Audit of Canada native band casts cloud on protest movement - Yahoo! News Let's keep throwing money at the corrupt native leaders so they can misuse the funding as usual
I'll link it to an Israel topic so it attracts you guys Pro-Israel blogger attacks First Nation chief, but Palestinians express solidarity with Idle No More | The Electronic Intifada
politicians, schools, provincial to local governements and private citizens abuse the system. Everyone is out for their nut, and if they can find a way to turn on federal faucets then they will. I feel your anger at people scamming the system but it's at every level.
I understand where you're coming from, but natives here in Vancouver almost always live off welfare and blame the government for being racist.
where to? everyones just as bad here, in one area its the blacks, in another its the natives, others the lazy white trailer trash and anywhere that the welfare state isnt kicking, is considered a "third world" country which isnt too appealing to most of the people on this site besides running from all the problems in the world doesnt fix them by any means
Money is given to our Native leaders and is usually horribly mismanaged. And they claim they are in the middle of a crisis when their housing conditions deteriorate and ask for more money.
Who doesn't use government support though? what of college students that use government subsidies to pursue their education. Surely they could get a job and pay their way through school. or farmers that use government loans to cover expenses when they aren't covering expenses. Surely factories in their area are offering work they are qualified for which would provide extra income. Whites, blacks, asians, mulattos and natives all use help from the government. I know that not all do it because they are sloths though. Shit, I believe every citizen who has had money taken from their pay deserves every cent they receive from the government. I just find it weird that many people believe there are "okay" reasons for government support and others which deserve derision.
This.^ it doesn't just end there. they regularly protest on parliament hill for more money lol.. they receive free university tuition, tax free living (on reservations), free healthcare, monthly allowances..
Maybe you could petition the Canadian government to drive them into a remote corner of Canada, build a big wall around them and shoot any who dare to try and leave ? Would be easy to control them then.
Many Indian reservations in the domestic US from the 1970s to early 2000s were impoverished, improperly managed and tasked despite all of the funds and expert help that they receive. The farms were barely able to make a profit. On top of that, the people on the reservation had to demand for the American government to send experts in and teach them how to do the farming in the first fuckin place. I thought these people were one with the land, no? How come certain people who have it bad, barely make a public peep about how bad it is? And how come others who have it pretty decent, considering all circumstances, are always whining and protesting for more? Because every little bit of sapping from and distracting America counts, that's why. Many of these tribal lands and peoples within America and all over the world have corrupt leadership as well.