
Discussion in 'General' started by hemp_rider13, Mar 6, 2005.

  1. I was wonderin if anybody here rides an atv or dirtbike,I own a suzuki Z-400,anyone else here ride or race?
  2. I have a cr-125, I raced a lot back in the day.. haven't done it in a while, I tore my acl..
  3. I had an XR-200 back in middle school and high school. I rode the hell out of it for years. Great fun.
  4. I got a Yamaha Timberwolf 250 and a Honda Foreman 450, great fun when baked.
  5. Suzuki 200 here...

    got a little moped also 100cc, use that more, as its just nippy

    havent got a full car license..
  6. ive got a cr-125 i plan on doin some riding soon as soon as my arm heals from lasttime i was on it

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