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Attn pet owners, need some help!

Discussion in 'General' started by JollyRoger227, Sep 28, 2007.

  1. So my kitten that I got in August has some stubborn as hell fleas, we've gone through 2 flea collars and two things of kitten frontline, and nothing is helping. I don't want my other cats/dog and house to get fleas so does ANYONE know something that works?

    Much love :smoke:
  2. My girlfriend went through a similar problem with her cat. No matter what, she couldn't get rid of its fleas... she tried literally everything. She's moved since then and we think the old place she lived was infested with fleas itself because as soon as she moved and tried one more Frontline treatment, the fleas were totally gone and have been since. So it may be that they're actually living in your home or on the other animals and you just don't realize it. Also I know that there's a special thing you can go to the vet for called a Flea Dip where they literally dunk the cat underwater in a solution that's a lot more powerful than the stuff you can get in stores. It's supposed to work a lot better than anything else.
  3. Definatly get the cat dipped. It works wonders.

    Fleas blow. I remeber one summer they were EVERYWHERE. It was soo freaking bad. It became a hobby of mine to trap them in hairspray.
  4. We had the same problem, it was the house. We'd frontline him etc, he still kept coming back every couple of days with them. Then we found that we were getting bitten ourselves at two places in the house that he lays in. Logic really I suppose. We sprayed twice with a pretty cheap flea-killer and it sorted it. He's down to the odd one or two fleas a day now.

  5. well I just got some powder, and gave him a nice little powder bath, along with the other cats and my dog, I'm gunna go ahead and clean everything that can be cleaned this weekend, and if this still doesn't work, I'll have to go back to the vet.

    I'm not sure if it's my outdoor cat or not that's causing the problem, my dog is old and she really doesn't go outside except to go potty lol. So I'm thinking my man eater of a cat is getting all these fleas and stuff outside and is transporting them onto my little kitten and other cat by accident.

    Not sure yet though. Glad to see I'm not the only one familiar with the flea situation. :p
  6. Did you try doing one of those bombs in your house? You set it off and leave for a few hours.
  7. That's it. It happened to my friends house. It was badly infested.
  8. even after dipping your animals the fleas are still around, what i've used for years if get a container and put alittle bit of dishsoap in it. Like a container that is 1 ft by 8 inches. Pour hot water into the container and leave it where most of the fleas are. The fleas get trapped by the sudds from the soap. And fleas love hot water so the jump right into it. Its worth a try and even if you get so many at a time,Leave the water 3/4 full so the bubbles sit on the top it works, Put hot water in it every few hrs till it goes cold,
  9. Cat fleas are worse than dog fleas. Yes there is a difference. Did you try bombing your house? I'm not sure if that kills all the eggs though.
  10. Actually yes I can help. I've had 2 cats for 12 years now. The first year was horrible with fleas. Get Advantage from your vet. I recommend it to everyone, never failed yet.
  11. If fleas infested my house i would take a pistol with laser aim and gun them bitches down.
  12. ^^^^
    Family guy funny stuff
  13. I really don't think the fleas are in the house, but we cleaned everything and put flea powder down and shit. We actually couldn't find Advantage when we went looking for flea stuff earlier, all they had was frontline, and that shit doesn't work. My dog has advantix and that works for her, no problems but they don't make it for cats.
  14. I actually had no idea :D

    See marijuana helps you learn something new every day! :smoke:
  15. I asked a friend what she did when her cat had fleas like that, she said something about a creamy flea bath.
  16. No way in hell could I get two of my cats in a bath, of any kind. One of them is a man eater and the other one doesn't like to be held, unless she WANTS to be held, or else she'll bite you. They're a little mean so I don't think that could work. My kitten Oliver Keegan would do it though, he's a sweetie :)
  17. Jolly I had the same thing happen when I was a kid, our cats were indodor outdoor cats, and thuis was before the spot treatment, but yeha def make sure you clean/bomb your house as well, or else theyll keep coming back, Good Luck and if not def see the vet.

  18. :laughing:

    that just made my morning.
  19. I'm glad! :D

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