hey, ive been looking on the attitude site, and cant find where they say how many seeds they give with the freebies, i just ordered some iced grapefruit, and they gave me ufo#1 dna la woman, but they didnt tell me how many seeds i was getting for free, so just wanted to know how many they usually give with there UFO's?
depending how much $ u spend the more u get.. the 1 LA woman = 1 feminized LA woman.. if u look at the UFO's on the main page u can see the price u have to spend in order to get the other seeds.. if the seeds are just regular u get 3.. if feminized u only get 1. don't forget to use code 420 to save urself 10%
cool thx guys, i was just wondering how many free seeds to expect, i guess just 1, lol was hoping for like 5 , but i guess free is free